Learning Genero
Write, compile, and run a graphical application that creates, modifies, and reports on data stored in a database.
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14. Menus, TopMenus, and Toolbars
Working with menus
Examine the various menuing options in a Genero user interface from Menu buttons to ToolBars, TopMenus, ContextMenus and StartMenus.
Rendering a MENU block as a dialog window
Change the style of a MENU block to display as a dialog window.
Creating a ToolBar in a form (.4fd)
Create a ToolBar in Form Designer.
Creating a ToolBar in XML and loading it at runtime (.4tb and ui.Interface.loadToolBar)
Create a ToolBar in XML and write the code to load it at runtime.
Creating a ToolBar programmatically with methods (createChild and setAttribute)
Use createChild() and setAttribute() to create a ToolBar directly in the AUI without external runtime files.
Creating a TopMenu in a form (.4fd)
Create a TopMenu in Form Designer.
Creating a TopMenu in XML and loading it at runtime (.4tm and ui.Interface.loadTopMenu)
Create a TopMenu in XML and write the code to load it at runtime.
Creating a TopMenu programmatically with methods (createChild and setAttribute)
Use createChild() and setAttribute() to create a TopMenu directly in the AUI without external runtime files.
Customizing the right-click context menu (New in v. 2.20!)
Creating a startMenu of programs (.4sm)
Create a menu of programs and display the menu in a TopMenu or Tree style.
Creating a startMenu programmatically with methods in parent/child (WCI) application
Create a startMenu directly in the AUI.