My Account

Create My Account

This page allows you to create a Four Js website accountinfo.
please enter your information as indicated below.

All fields are mandatory.

Account identification

Your personal information to sign-in

this will become your account ID

7 characters or more


Your details

Useful to display who you are, for example on the Technical Forum

Your customer information

For privileged access to the FAQs, Forum, Issue tracker, etc. info

(e.g. TAB#ACBC1234)


Customer code gives you access to the Download area with your "My account" ID (single sign-on)


(e.g. usaxyz)


Don't have a license number or a Customer codeinfo? Contact your Sales office.

Your customer information will be checked by Four Js.
You will be advised by email when it is validated.

By submitting this form to Four Js, I accept that the information contained herein be used for any commercial relationships that may result from it.

Four Js is concerned about your privacy and has developed a policy to address privacy concerns. Read the current Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy