
Since the 1980’s LANGDON have delivered duty management solutions for companies trading in the European Union. The LANGDON portfolio of duty management software solutions has been designed to help companies manage and report the complex Customs issues surrounding Customs Duty, Excise, Agricultural (CAP) and statistics (Intrastat). The wide range of duty management options available, from stand-alone to networked to web-enabled, ensure there is a system suitable for all companies in the EU engaged in international trade, be they a global corporate or a successful SME.

LANGDON are dedicated to delivering Customs compliant, multi-functional solutions that cover the wide range of Customs procedures and iniatives available to companies involved in duty management within the EU. Systems are provided to manage simplified import declarations, Customs warehousing (bonded and excise), exporting, the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS), Single European Authorisations (SEA) and Intrstat reporting.

“Combining the Business Development Language (BDL) of Four J’s with the HTML/DHTML and Javascript, our packge “CliHTML” allows us to create e-commerce applications oriented to databases of a very professional look, and this in a very short time. CliHTML is able to associate the deployment flexibility of the Web Presentation with the power of BDL, to quickly develop Internet applications.”

R&D Langdon Systems, Great Britain