Adding Additional Rows to the custdemo Database for Lab Activities
Genero Report Writer video scripts
Related video: Adding Additional Rows to the custdemo Database for Lab Activities
The instructor added additional data to the custdemo database to demonstrate more realistic reports in the Report Writer training videos. If you would like to add additional data to your database for the lab activities you can do so with a few simple steps. You can add the additional data any time after you complete the Lab for Module 3: Create the Report Application.
First, download the create_grwdemo source file using the link directly above this video and save it to the GRW_Class folder you created in Lab 3.
In Genero Studio, add a new application node to your Report Writer project and rename it create_grwdemo. Right-click on the new application node and select Advanced Properties. Verify that the Databases node is selected as a dependency and click OK.
Right-click on the new application node again, select ‘Add files’ and browse to locate the create_grwdemo.4gl file you downloaded and saved earlier.
Execute the create_grwdemo application and verify success by checking the displays in the output. It should only take a few moments to run. Once complete, the reports you create in the lab activities should look very similar to the report demonstrations in the videos.