Develop once and deploy everywhere – without recompiling.
This is made possible with Genero’s unique ‘n’-tier, ‘thin-client’ architecture orchestrated by its virtual machine that executes BDL bytecode and transmits data to and from the edge of the network. This tightly coded virtual machine ensures security and scalability to thousands of concurrent users.
The client layer is populated by the virtual machine via an XML-based tree we call the Abstract User Interface (AUI). This dual-tree data structure sits client and server-side representing the logical layout of the screen form. Only nodes in the tree that have been updated are exchanged keeping network traffic to its bare minimum. The AUI tree supports MS® Windows, macOS®, Linux®, HTML5®, iOS®, Android® and even dumb terminals so that apps may run across them indifferently and simultaneously. Our virtual machine delivers online and offline apps for mobile devices.
Data layer abstraction is performed through an SQL-based Open Database Interface embedded into the BDL grammar and supporting all leading industry and open source databases such as IBM® Informix®, MS SQL-Server®, Oracle®, MySQL® and PostgreSQL®.
The operating system layer connects the app to the underlying system hardware and runs on MS Windows, macOS, Linux, IBM AIX®, Oracle Solaris®, HP® UX and others. Its interpreted bytecode is compatible between operating systems ensuring apps run everywhere without recompliation.
The network layer is provided by JSON, XML, SOAP based Web Services as well as the Java Native Interface.