Winter Olympics Gold for Versaterm

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – April 12, 2010Versaterm, authors of Versadex – a public safety computer aided dispatch (CAD) and record management system (RMS) – can now report a successful 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics for competitors, dignitaries and law enforcement agencies alike.


Their Genero based Police Records Information Management Environment of British Columbia (PRIME BC) leveraged the former success of the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics to form the underpinnings of the Integrated Security Unit (ISU).

“We were very well prepared to support the incremental load and widespread use of the Versadex system.”

RCMP Inspector Dennis Crowe, Officer in Charge of ISU Informatics.

The ISU comprised 10,000 police officers and military personnel led by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). At peak hours, over 3,000 units were being managed with a number of officers accessing information through the Police Information Portal (PIP) services oriented architecture (SOA) via Blackberry handheld devices. Versadex ability to manage geographically dispersed units across downtown and West Vancouver, Richmond and Whistler was an invaluable asset.

“Versaterm is pleased to have contributed to the security of this, our second Olympiad.”

Warren Loomis, President and CEO Versaterm