Genero Enterprise – Four Js Maintenance Release Activity for February 2019

During the last month, the following FourJs Genero
maintenance releases were made available

Current Release: Genero Enterprise 3.10

  • Genero Browser Client 1.00.51, released on February 15th 2019.
    This is a bug fix version that also includes the implementation of the Action Panel and ToolBar as for Genero Mobile (#GBC-00878)
  • Genero Mobile for Android Client 1.30.19, released on February 15th 2019.
    This is a bug fix version that also includes the migration to FCM framework to manage pushNotification instead of GCM.
    Indeed GCM will reach end of life in April 2019. Customers using pushNotification need to migrate their Genero apps to GMA 1.30.19.
    See our updated manuals for guidance

Genero Enterprise 3.20 Early Access Program

New packages, released on February 14th 2019

These versions are now downloadable from the web site

For releases prior to Genero 2.50, refer to the ARCHIVED RELEASES link on the download page

Note: All FourJs Genero customers under maintenance have free access to these new releases

Best regards,
Four J’s Development Tools