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You are here : Four Js technical FAQ > Genero Report Writer > Getting started

How do I install my GRE license ?

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When ordering a new license, you get a license number, a license number key and a login, as is the case
for the BDL Development or Deployment license.

To start the licensing process on Unix or in the Windows workplace, you need to set GREDIR to the directory
where the Genero Report Engine is installed, and add the bin directory of GRE in the PATH, then run the following command and answer the prompted questions as follows :
                 greWrt -l 

At this point, if you have direct connection to the Internet  you can answer "y" to license directly on our web site, or
if you do not have internet access you can answer "n" and get the installation number key manually on the web site.

The process is exactly the same as for the BDL Development or Deployment licenses.

If you are on Windows, you can use the graphical licenser gre4js.exe as follows :

Last update: 2010-10-22 18:00 GMT

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