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You are here : Four Js technical FAQ > Licensing > Deployment

What numbers will be sent to you when ordering a license ?

Product Version Platform
BDS - Genero All All

When ordering a Four Js development or deployment license, you will get an email with the keys.
Depending on the version of the products you are installing, you will get the following :

  • With all BDS versions and Genero versions prior to 2.20 :
    You will get a

    • a license number
    • a license number key

    These numbers can be used for all the versions of the products, until a limit that is determined by the maintenance contract that is linked to this license.


  • With versions of Genero 2.20 or higher :
    You will get 3 keys  :

    • a license number
    • a license number key
    • a maintenance key : this key will be valid until the end of the maintenance contract to which you have subscribed.

Last update: 2011-01-05 11:26 GMT

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How do I license my product before version 2.20 ?

When you order the product you get an email with 2 keys and a login.

  1. To start the licensing process, run the following command (after having set your environment variables):
               fglWrt –l
  2. Answer the prompts by entering the numbers that were provided to you.
  3. If you answered "y" at the question  “Do you want to give the installation key now” 


    You have two possibilities :

    • If your server is connected to the internet,  answer “y”.
      You will have to enter the following information, so the licensing program can connect to our web site to get the installation number key and finalize your license installation.

      (If you do not have a proxy just answer “n” to the question “Do you need to  
       configure an HTTP proxy
      ” and you will not be prompted for the last two questions.)

    • If your server is not connected to internet, you will have to go to the following URL on our website:

      and fill out this form:

      After you click “Submit”, you will get your installation number key .
      Then, you just need to enter this installation number key in your licensing program.
      Your product is now licensed.

  4. If you answered "n" to the question  “Do you want to give the installation key now” 
    in step 2, you have a temporary license for 30 days.

    When you finally decide to terminate the registration process, simply invoke the command:
              fglWrt -k Your_Installation_Key

    If you did not write your Installation Number down, invoke the command:      
               fglWrt –a info Your_License_Number

    to retrieve it., and follow the prompts as indicated above.

    Note: On Windows, you can use the graphical tool to license the product instead of using the fglWrt –l command.
             You can find it in your “Start” menu where you installed your Four Js product.
              It is called “Genero BDL Licenser” (for Genero) or “Four Js Universal Compiler – Licenser” (for BDS).
              When it starts, you will get the following form:


Last update: 2011-01-05 11:27 GMT

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When do I have to change/relicense (network card, move FGLDIR, HW change …) ?

Product Version Platform
BDS - Genero All All

On the machine where the License was installed, you have to relicense your Four Js product if :

  • The MAC address of the machine changed.
  • The FGLDIR/FLMDIR changed.
  • Some fundamental hardware changed.
  • On Unix/Linux systems, if any directory inode structure changes.
  • Sometimes a major patch on the kernel will impact the license as well.

Last update: 2011-07-08 08:10 GMT

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What is the maintenance key needed for ?

Product Version Platform
Genero >= 2.20 All

The maintenance key will determine which versions of Genero you will be authorized to use with your license.
This maintenance key has an expiration date depending on your maintenance contract.

The installation of a new maintenance key does NOT require re-installing the license.

Last update: 2010-10-22 17:49 GMT

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How do I install my maintenance key with my license key ?

Product Version Platform
Genero >= 2.20 All

How do I install my maintenance key with my license key ?

  On Unix or in the Windows workplace:

  • you can use the HTTP connection during the licensing process :


  • or you will have to install the maintenance key manually by using the command : 
                          fglWrt -m XXXXXXXXXXXX
  •                             where XXXXXXXXXXXX is your maintenance key.

Last update: 2010-10-22 17:50 GMT

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How can I know when my maintenance key will expire ?

Product Version Platform
Genero >= 2.20 All

  Run the command fglWrt -a info license and you will get the following :

                   C:\fjs\fgl\2.20-9999>fglWrt -a info license
License : TW8#AAB0002R
License key : 019ZS48B9ATY
Product : Four Js Universal Compiler
Type : Development version
Users : 1
Extension(s) :
- Enhanced license key format
- Strict licensing option
This license is date limited and expires the 2009/03/01 (Year/Month/Day).
End of maintenance date: 2009/01/01 (Year/Month/Day).

Last update: 2011-01-05 11:25 GMT

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My maintenance key has expired, can I still use the installed versions of Genero ?

Product Version Platform
Genero >= 2.20 All

Yes, but you cannot install any new update or patch without installing a new valid maintenance key.
However, you still can run any version that was built before the expiration date of the maintenance key.
If you try to use a version that has been built after the expiration of your maintenance, you will get the
following error message :

        C:\fjs\fgl\2.20-9999\demo>fglrun demo.42r
Program stopped at 'demo.4gl', line number 20.
FORMS statement error number -6144.
The DVM build date is greater than the maintenance key expiration date.
Contact your nearest FourJ's sales representative to update the maintenance key.


Last update: 2010-10-22 17:51 GMT

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My Maintenance key has expired. How can I install a new one ?

Product Version Platform
Genero >= 2.20 All

Run the following command if you have no direct internet access :

             fglWrt -m 19D3T4ACLKGT 

where  19D3T4ACLKGT is the new maintenance key.

Otherwise if you have a direct access to our web site, just run :

             fglWrt  -m auto 

There is no need to uninstall the old maintenance key unlike license installation.
On Unix or in the windows workplace :

You can also do it with the graphical licenser on Windows :

If you have internet access from your server :

If you do not have internet access directly from the server, you can choose to install it manually
as shown below :

You can obtain the maintenance key from our website in "Online Maintenance" in the "Licensing your product" section.

Last update: 2010-10-22 17:51 GMT

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Do I need to completely reinstall my license if I want to update my maintenance key ?

Product Version Platform
Genero >= 2.20 All

No, the installation of a new maintenance key does not require the reinstallation of the license; it can be managed separately from
the license key.

Last update: 2010-10-22 17:51 GMT

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What does the message WARNING! Your maintenance key has expired. Please contact your vendor. mean ?

Product Version Platform
BDS - Genero > 2.20 All

When running fglWrt -a info license or fglWrt -m you may see the following message :
WARNING! Your maintenance key has expired. Please contact your vendor.

This is due to the fact that the end of maintenance date has passed.

You then have 2 possibilities:

*   You wish to renew your maintenance contract
You should contact our Sales Department to renew the maintenance.
You will then get a new maintenance key that you will have to install,  and the message will go away.
You can refer to our FAQ on how to install the new key.

*   You do NOT wish to renew your maintenance contract
You must understand that this may impact the use of your application.

  • If you are only using FGL (or FGLGWS), you will be able to run your application with all the versions of Four J's that were BUILT before the end of maintenance date.
  • If you are using the Genero Report Writer with the built-in license that requires a  DVM under maintenance, you will not be able to run any report after the end of maintenance date.
    But, you will not be impacted if you have a Genero Report Writer license.

If you need further information, please contact your local support center.

Last update: 2011-01-14 15:21 GMT

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