Ask Reuben

Small Victories

Why it is important you raise support cases?

The latest maintenance release of Genero 5.00.02 had an issue resolved that might hold the title for smallest issue ever resolved.  That issue was GST-13151 – “Improve Position of Cursor During Code Completion”.

What this issue meant was that when using code completion in the Code Editor in Genero Studio, if the completed code was a function with no arguments, the cursor is now put at the end of the () rather than in the middle of the ().  If we treat | as indicating the position of the cursor, ()| versus (|).  This subtle position change means you are ready to press ENTER or whatever code you want next rather than breaking your flow to move the cursor one or two characters to the right.

So for example, auto-complete a function with no parameters e.g. CALL ui.Interface.refresh(), the cursor is now positioned after the () …

… and not inbetween the () like so …

… thus forcing the user to move the cursor to the right one character before pressing enter.

If the function does have a parameter then it is expected that the cursor will be inside the () ready for you to enter the first parameter e.g.

Whilst this is a little thing, it is important that these little issues get resolved.

It is also important to be persistent.  This particular issue could have been included in earlier releases but for an internal misunderstanding.  It was only when this issue was challenged with the “how come VIM can do this, and Studio can’t?” that a second look uncovered something that had been missed.

Please don’t hesitate to raise issues, please don’t say it is soo small,  and please don’t say I can’t be bothered creating a case.  If you are thinking it, someone else probably is as well.