Ask Reuben


What is the WWDC? 

Why should I attend the WWDC? 

Why are you running 4 smaller conferences?

You will have hopefully seen some promotional material for the upcoming Four Js World Wide Developer Conferences or WWDC for short.

Prior to the pandemic, from 2016 to 2019, we ran four in-person conferences in Cancun, Mexico.  During the pandemic when travel was restricted we ran two online conferences.  Now that normality has resumed to the world, we are looking to resume some form of in-person conferences.

When we analysed these two types of conferences, the online conferences had some significant advantages, both in terms of increased customer reach and significantly decreased costs …

Physical ConferenceOnline Conference
At physical conference, we would have nearly 100 people including Four Js attendees.Reached more than 5x this number
Favoured customers who were prepared to travel to Cancun, MexicoNo geographic advantage/disadvantage for any customers
Accomodation and travel costsMinimal costs
3 fixed daysNo fixed time commitment as could watch videos at leisure
3 breakout tracks4 breakout tracks
High interaction between attendees (Four Js staff and customers)Low interaction between attendees (Four Js staff and customers)

…however that last intangible point loomed large.  There is a lot to be said for the conversations held at breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, pre-dinner, dinner, post-dinner at a conference not to mention the opportunity to ask timely questions during a presentation.

So in order to go back to physical conferences but have them engage with more people, the format we have chosen is that during September and October 2024 there will be 4 smaller 2-day regional events in Australia, France, UK, and Mexico.  You can find out more about these events at the following URL

When people ask me, “Reuben, why should I attend the WWDC?”, there are many potential answers I like to give …

If the question is prefixed with “I am very busy …, why should I attend the WWDC?” my answer might be …

“There are over 200 working days in a year, to attend the conference is approximately 1% of those working days.  I believe that as a result of the information you pick up at a conference, and in turn we pick up from you, your effectiveness in your use of Genero will improve by more than 1%.  If you stay at home, you will continue to use Genero the same way as you always do …”

Alternatively if the person asking the question is a slow adaptor of Genero initiatives, was surprised upon upgrade to Genero 4 or later and discover “Universal Rendering” I might give an answer …

“WWDC is another way for us to disseminate information to multiple customers.  In particular they enable us to give both long term and short term views in our presentations, and able to give more background. If we take Universal Rendering as an example, I can show you its mention at a 2012 IIUG conference and presentations since then.  So here you are surprised with Universal Rendering when we have customers who are regular conference attendees, regular EAP participants, who have been running with Universal Rendering for a number of years … “

Or perhaps the person asking the question wants to know about Four Js future plans for Genero and what are its plans with the latest industry trends such as this year it is Artificial Intelligence I would answer …

The WWDC along with the Roadmap is where we share our plans for the future …

Or perhaps if the person asking the questions thinks they are using Genero the same way everyone else is, when in reality they are in a minority of one …

” At WWDC, you have the opportunity to talk to other Genero developers.  I can introduce you to X who did Y many years ago and has not looked back since.  Doctors, engineers, lawyers, accountants go to conferences to learn from their peers, so should you …

Or perhaps if the person asking the questions has a good enhancement or feature suggestion, I know other customers have similar ideas and would benefit I might suggest …

At WWDC, you will see key Four Js team members who make decisions about that product, and there are other developers whom I know will benefit from this enhancement suggestion.   If you are at WWDC I can try and introduce you to one another …

Or perhaps the person asking the question is about to embark on a project using a Genero feature …

At WWDC, there is a presentation on X.  You will also get the change to talk to Four Js team members who have been involved with X, and also customers who have used X …

Finally the most important reason to attend WWDC.  If someone says “Thanks for that Ask Reuben article, it really helped me with  …”

You can buy me a beer at WWDC 🙂

Registrations are due to open around the time this article is published.  Key URLs are

I hope to see many of you there.  I will be presenting at all four events.