Genero Enterprise – Four Js Maintenance Release Activity for June 2023

During the last month, the following FourJs Genero
maintenance releases were made available

Current Release : Genero Enterprise 4.01

Genero Enterprise 3.20

These versions are now downloadable from the web site

For releases prior to Genero 3.10, refer to the ARCHIVED RELEASES link on the download page


  • OpenSSL will discontinue version 1.x support on September 11th , 2023.
  • Genero Web Services uses OpenSSL libraries, and we provide our own set of OpenSSL libraries inside the FGLGWS package.
  • Starting September 2023, we will provide FGLGWS packages built with OpenSSL 3.0.
  • Although OpenSSL offers a premium support contract to support OpenSSL version 1.1.x, Four Js will not support OpenSSL’s extended support of the versions 1.1.x.


Note: All FourJs Genero customers under maintenance have free access to these new releases

Best regards,
Four J’s Development Tools