Genero Enterprise 3.20 Maintenance Release
Four Js is pleased to announce a Maintenance Release for
Genero Enterprise 3.20
For the following products :
- Genero BDL with Web Service (BDL – JGAS – GBC – GGC – WCG) 3.20.09
- Genero Desktop Client (GDC) 3.20.12
- Genero Report Engine (GRE) 3.20.07
- FourJs License Manager (FLM) 5.20.15
Genero BDL with Web Service (BDL – JGAS – GBC – GGC – WCG) 3.20.09 is the bundle which includes :
- Business Development Language (FGL) 3.20.09
- Web service extension (GWS) 3.20.09
- Genero Browser Client (GBC) 1.00.56
- Genero Identity Provider (GIP) 1.00.08
- Testing tool (GGC) 2.00.10
- Application Server for Java (JGAS) 1.10.07
- Web Components and wrappers (WCG) 1.00.17
These packages are now available from the web site
Listed below are the bugs fixed with this release :
Four Js Genero customers with valid maintenance contracts have free access to these new releases.
Best regards,
Four J’s Development Tools