Grape apps with Genero Mobile

Reggio Emilia, Italy – February 2, 2016 – Twenty year old business software specialist Sintesi S.r.l. has announced plans to develop a mobile companion app with Genero Mobile for its industry leading Elisir solution that targets wineries and wine cooperatives throughout Italy.

What’s great about Genero Mobile is the degree of abstraction – right down to the APIs that access peripherals such as GPS and phone. That gives me a truly native user experience for both iOS and Android, without diving into the depths of each API. That is a huge win for us. And all from a single framework.

Alessandro Ficarellii

Software Development Manager

Sintesi S.r.l.

Managing co-op members, grape contributions, production issues and accounting processes such as payments are just some of the functions being covered by the new Elisir mobile app. Other improvements included in the upcoming Genero v 3.0 release will include the provision of new laws governing E.D.I. procedures, duty management, and telematics.

Elisir’s scope covers the entire process from vineyard land registry to the wine market itself. Great attention is paid to procedural ergonomics that manage repetitive tasks, often concentrated over relatively short periods of time.

One of the unique features of Elisir is its modular architecture that tailors customer needs to fit a target user contingency and individual winery requirements. Elisir also provides winery business intelligence easily extracted from a rich and structured database using Genero Report Writer.

About Sintesi

Sintesi is an IT software solutions provider, integrator, and consultancy specialized in designing and developing ERP solutions across all leading market sectors.

Besides designing and developing enterprise solutions and mobile apps, Sintesi offers customized outsourcing development and support solutions for mission-critical applications, which require high levels of reliability and scalability.

Sintesi focuses on small and medium enetrprises as well as public administrations.

Relax, the complete software solution for the small to medium sized enterprise

Relax is a complete and integrated software solution for small and medium-sized companies that need both desktop or web deployments. Features can be easly customized to tailor the package to a customer’s precise needs.

Some possible alternatives:

Basic module

Accounts receivable and payable

Includes all features for creating business proposals, budget management, contracts, creating sales and transport documents, management of agent commissions, orders to suppliers and portfolio management.

Warehouse and logistics

Enables the inflows and outflows of raw materials and finished goods and real-time status of stocks and SKU availability through BOM management.

Accounting module

Provides a specialized response to the needs of basic accounting. Customers can independently manage accounts payable and receivable, the periodic payment of VAT, the registration of assets and adjustment operations, up to the preparation of the financial statements. Constant and prompt updates to satisfy changing legal requirments make Relax an excellent solution to meet the administrative needs of small and medium sized companies, ensuring a ready response to civil and fiscal obligations.