Four Js UK Annual Conference 2007

The Prophets Portend Magic & Glad Tidings for Genero:

London, England – August 6, 2007 — Four Js Development Tools UK Ltd. announced today the venue of their 2007 annual customer conference at the Magic Circle Headquarters on October 9, 2007, where they will present their product roadmap for the next 6 months to come.

The Magic Circle Headquarters
12 Stephenson Way
London, NW1 2HD

Presentation features:

Genero v2.10

– reaches an important milestone for Four Js and the I-4GL developer community at large, by introducing a new Multiple Dialog grammar that greatly improves and simplifies the development of user interfaces.

Genero Web Client v2.10

– presents a new rendering engine to support: Multiple Dialogs, an AJAX framework and browser specific tuning. Standard configurations will be provided for ‘Web 2.0’ clients (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera) and ‘Mobile’ clients (PDA, Smartphone).

Genero v2.20

– opens its Early Access Program at the end of the year, offering GUI enhancements in both GDC and GWC including – a tree widget, select lists, hyperlinks, rich media support, SVG capabilities and Vista support. In addition, the Genero Web Client will further close the gap between the desktop and the Internet, by extending compatibility with the Genero Desktop Client. Architecture enhancements increase scalability and ease deployment and administration.

Genero Studio v2.0

– features improved ergonomics and a wizard driven Application Generator.

Genero db v3.8

– introduces AIX support, driver enhancements and improved compatibility with Informix, Oracle and PostgreSQL.

Genero Report Writer

– previews the report writer you’ve all been waiting for, due for release in the first half of next year.

Genero Web Services v2.20

– introduces enhancements to enable advanced low level web services with APIs to access XML and HTTP handlers.

A User Case Study

SOA & Web Services. DataPro Software Ltd explains their use of Web Services in their Contender StreetScene application. With new development of the application being undertaken with Web Services, DataPro aim to gradually replace all of the existing functionality; opening up the application and allowing greater source-code reuse between customer sites.

We look forward to welcoming you to the event!