Genero 1.31.1d/e Maintenance Release

Genero 1.31 Maintenance Release Now Available  –  October 22, 2004



Four Js Genero Business Development Language maintenance version
1.31.1d is being released today October 22, 2004

The previous released version was 1.30.2f.

This release is a maintenance release. The first goal of maintenance
releases is to correct issues and problems found in previous versions.

This Maintenance Release is now available for download from our
Four Js Development Tools web server at .


  • IBM AIX 5.1 and 5.2 64 bits
  • Hewlett Packard HP-UX 11 64 bits
  • Linux Red Hat Entreprise Edition 3.0 Update 1 (glibc 2.3)
  • Sun Solaris SPARC 8 & 9 (64 bits)
  • fjs-fgl-1.31.1d-w32vc71.exe: Microsoft Windows NT4.0/NT2000/XP/2003 Visual C++ 7.1


Packages listed below will be available in following weeks.

  • IBM AIX 4.3.3 64 bits
  • IBM AIX 4.3.3 and higher (32 bits)
  • IBM AS400 Linux SuSE 8.1 32 bits (Glibc 2.2.5) Kernel 2.4.19 (PowerPC)
  • Hewlett Packard Itanium HP-UX 11 64 bits
  • Hewlett Packard HP-UX 11 32 bits
  • Linux w/GNU libc 2.2.x and higher
  • Compaq Tru64 Unix 5.1 B
  • SCO Open Server 5.0.5
  • Sun Solaris SPARC 2.6.0 and higher (32 bits)
  • SCO UnixWare 7.1.1
  • fjs-fgl-1.31.1d-w32vc60.exe: Microsoft Windows NT4.0/NT2000/XP/2003 Visual C++ 6.0


  • 001 Compression in GUI protocol. When using a DVM 1.31 with a 1.31 front-end, the GUI protocol compression is automatically enabled.
  • 002 Interruption handling with SSH port forwarding: When using a DVM 1.31 with a 1.31 front-end, interruption handling is automatically managed by using SIGIO signals on the tcp socket. This allows to support some ‘system’ events like user interruption or front-end termination, while the BDL program is running in processing mode (not waiting for a user action). Previous versions did use OOB signals to handle interruption, which is not forwarded in ssh tunnelling.
  • 003 OPTIONS ON CLOSE APPLICATION is now available, to execute special code when the front-end stops. For example, when the user quits the session or when a workstation shutdown occurs.
  • 004 New method ui.Form.setElementStyle() to change the style of an element in a form.
  • 005 New method ui.Dialog.setFieldStyle() to change the style of the view node of a field during a INPUT/CONSTRUCT DISPLAY ARRAY/INPUT ARRAY.
  • 006 Dynamic C extension libraries can now be specified in FGLPROFILE. In previous versions you could only specify a Dynamic C extension library in the command line.
  • 007 Improved front-end identification during initial phase when the VM connects to the client. The client now sends a second ‘front-end-id’ that is checked by the runtime system. If the runtime system cannot identify the client, error -6314 occurs.
  • 447 Even if you inactive the comment line, the comment of input field is displayed
  • 967 The brace { in the same line as screen should be supported
  • 1172 When you reach the end of a help message, press “screen” button quits the help
  • 1903 VM doesn’t know when the Front End becomes unreachable
  • 2313 “Internal error …” when you try to use large indexes in a DYNAMIC ARRAY
  • 2330 Interrupt key does not work with SSA and port forwarding
  • 2346 Idaho fails in ‘Dialogs’>’Menu’ part
  • 2396 Field COMMENT should be deleted after leaving an input
  • 2514 TABLE container with row definition over one line doesn’t give error by fglform
  • 2597 Compress the data send between the VM and the clients
  • 2631 DISPLAY doesn’t work in AFTER INPUT with a CLEAR SCREEN
  • 2689 fglcomp -S does not show SQL text when UPDATE (clist) = (vlist)
  • 2691 Date input in long FORMAT gives string to date conversion error
  • 2738 Value of sqlca.sqlerrm not taken into account by err_get
  • 2827 Console : ATTRIBUTES are ignored for field delimiters in DISPLAY FORM
  • 2849 Encoding not specified in XML files generated with Genero functions
  • 2865 Problem with DISPLAY AT in nested input
  • 2897 Cannot set a font color on TEXTEDIT fields with ATTRIBUTE in INPUT or DISPLAY statements
  • 2931 Form fields defined between g in .per gives compilation error.
  • 2976 DVM crash in INPUT ARRAY with attribute unbuffered
  • 3017 CONSTRUCT should generate ESCAPE clause for LIKE expressions
  • 3025 Big concatenation generates a stack overflow at compilation on Windows systems
  • 3033 CONSTRUCT generates a set condition when chinese character contains pipe
  • 3050 Doing a DISPLAY of a TEXT blob doesn’t work
  • 3065 Invalid parameter type error when using DECIMAL with DB2 V 8.1
  • 3066 Get invalid parameter type error when using TIME columns with DB2
  • 3108 ANSI joins syntax is not fully supported (LEFT OUTER JOIN).
  • 3110 SQLCA.SQLERRD[2] in zero after INSERT with DB2 on 64b machines
  • 3113 Size limit when manipulating very large BYTE data in DB
  • 3115 FGL_SET_ARR_CURR(N>1) in BEFORE INPUT should not exec all triggers
  • 3143 NOT NULL column is not checked in INPUT ARRAY when tabbing from last or first field
  • 3186 Cannot read lob IN MEMORY with ORACLE when source LOB has a size of zero
  • 3200 DVM crashes when using setCellAttributes in ON FILL BUFFER clause
  • 3225 fgldbsch doesn’t take synonyms with Informix databases
  • 3226 In debugger, ‘set variable varname=value’ always converts value to lower case.
  • 3233 LOAD FROM filename freezes the program if filemane not defined
  • 3254 Segmentation fault when more than 9 OUTER JOINs in statement with ORACLE
  • 3257 Incompatibility with ESQL/C 9.* on Windows causes memory problems
  • 3264 Internal error raised with createExt() and nextToken() methods of StringTokenizer class.
  • 3271 Programs with test ‘IF variable = NULL’ should not compile
  • 3293 CURRENT x TO y conversion problems with Sybase ASA
  • 3311 Width of PROMPT window depends on current window width
  • 3318 Reports: wrong ouput with PAGE LENGTH 0, USING and local ARRAY variable.
  • 3322 ui.Form.setElementHidden fails if form contains action default
  • 3400 Sql Server NUMERIC type is not recognized by schema generator
  • 3401 Schema generator includes dtproperties system tables even when -ns option is used
  • 3405 Dynamic C extensions should be specified in FGLPROFILE
  • 3409 With PostgreSQL SELECT FOR UPDATE returns one column less when ifxemul = false
  • 3411 In INPUT ARRAY append row not removed after cancel if EXIT INPUT in AFTER ROW
  • 3420 With SQL Server fgldbsch does not include views in the schema file
  • 3449 FGLMKSDL checks wrong environment variable for Sybase ASA
  • 3456 Wrong COLUMN alignment in reports with UTF8
  • 3457 DISPLAYONLY in .per file generates Internal Error at compilation
  • 3462 Multibyte string assignment can create an invalid string when truncation occurs
  • 3463 Wrong error displayed on Windows when you run an empty file
  • 3467 CREATE TABLE with SERIAL fails with DB2 when emulation is ‘trigseq’
  • 3477 String and StringBuffer functions like getCharAt return invalid char when multibyte charset used
  • 3486 Invalid string to num conversion when using comma as decimal sep in DBFORMAT or DBMONEY
  • 3498 With C extension, popquote() on an empty string doesn’t work correctly
  • 3501 Focus doesn’t come back to the INPUT after an action triggering a DISPLAY ARRAY
  • 3502 Internal error when division by zero and WHENEVER ANY ERROR GOTO
  • 3504 SET ISOLATION LEVEL sets a wrong isolation level for non-Informix databases
  • 3518 Messages -1102 and -1108 have no parameter anymore
  • 3521 Graphical characters like g are not supported for console mode
  • 3522 Video attributes don’t work with DISPLAY AT in console mode
  • 3542 In console mode, REVERSE attribute of ERROR instruction applied to the whole line
  • 3543 In console mode, COMMENT LINE OFF doesn’t work
  • 3548 In console mode, you get a fatal error when the terminal (TERM) is wrong
  • 3595 Problem linking a program with a library created using other libraries
  • 3624 Windows: Wrong charset name sent to the client
  • 3638 Spaces inserted in the file name when compiling a module in a multibyte environment
  • 3660 Form compilation fails if spacer items used and table is last section of the form.

For more details check the release notes.


It is required to upgrade

  • the Genero Desktop Client (a.k.a GDC) to version 1.31.1c,
  • the Genero Application Server (a.k.a GAS) to version 1.31.1a,
  • the Genero Web Services (a.k.a GWS) to version 1.31.1d.


If upgrading from any prior version, it is mandatory to re compile the
source code and forms.
The software needs re-licensing every time a major release version
update is applied.


Four Js Genero Desktop Client maintenance version 1.31.1c is being
released today October 22, 2004

The previous released version was 1.30.1f.

This release is a maintenance release. The first goal of maintenance
releases is to correct issues and problems found in previous versions.

This Maintenance Release is now available for download from our
Four Js Development Tools web server at .


  • Linux w/GNU libc 2.2 and higher
  • Linux w/GNU libc 2.2 and higher for KDE 3.1
  • fjs-gdc-1.31.1c-mac1020.dmg: Apple Mac OS X 10.20
  • fjs-gdc-1.31.1c-windows.exe: Microsoft Windows
  • All Unix systems
  • fjs-gdcax-1.31.1c-windows.exe: Microsoft Windows


  • add compression and encapsulation to the protocol.
  • 2861 SIZEPOLICY=FIXED doesn’t work on EDIT fields
  • 3027 Labels width not well computed in the grid
  • 3029 It is impossible to change the font of the header in a table
  • 3052 Control enter should insert CR in TextEdit
  • 3063 Changing font via System Menu should not be available if gdc in normal mode
  • 3085 Changing dynamically item text of combobox does not work in Table
  • 3091 In Display Array, pressing a key does not show correctly the current row
  • 3097 Button Width is not correct if several buttons on the form
  • 3102 DISPLAY ARRAY in Matrix with Widgets never deselects a line
  • 3130 accelerator not set correctly in MENU ON ACTION xxx
  • 3131 RadioGroup checked when getting focus
  • 3132 Alignment problem with numeric fields in Arrays
  • 3133 Combobox in DISPLAY Array can be right aligned
  • 3139 backgroundColor Style not correctly on combos’ listbox
  • 3145 in MDI, if windowType style attribute is not defined, MDI Child windows are not within MDI Container
  • 3147 Form TopMenu Command accelerator not displayed for localactions
  • 3162 Cannot dynamically change attribute ‘fillColor’ on Canvas
  • 3163 Front End DLL must be in /bin
  • 3164 Sometimes GDC crashes when leaving applications too quickly
  • 3167 Wrong highlight of current cell in INPUT ARRAY
  • 3173 Focus changed when hiding/unhiding FOLDER container
  • 3174 Cannot correctly scroll folder pages with ‘control-tab’ when focus on a Combobox
  • 3175 CHECKBOX appears as checked in a construct on an array, even if the corresponding variable is NULL
  • 3190 image on shared drive not found if no extension specified
  • 3193 slowness and command line not sent when connecting a windows server through telnet
  • 3194 config.xml on share drive always read only
  • 3205 Focus lost on MENU displayed at bottom in MDI mode
  • 3207 Context menu appears twice when right-clicking on current cell in ARRAY.
  • 3209 MenuAction should also display when no when Menu style popup
  • 3211 Cannot define an accelerator key for Interrupt
  • 3218 Crash occurs in MDI when closing last child window
  • 3224 ShellExecute does not work with non ascii parameters
  • 3235 Context menu does not appear with shift-F10 in DISPLAY ARRAY
  • 3236 “There are still applications running” message displayed even if
  • there are no more applications
  • 3255 Window opens progressively when containing several horizontal BUTTONS
  • 3263 Attribute FONTPITCH=FIXED not taken into account if style attribute ‘fontfamily’ set
  • 3269 DDE functions DDEPeek and DDEPoke don’t work properly if called too many times
  • 3279 Crash when changing shortcut type to “Direct”
  • 3281 Action sent with PAGE in nested dialogs even if the action is no more available
  • 3282 CONTROL+TAB does not change current folder page if current object is a Table
  • 3283 Startmenu not well removed when removing the corresponding DOM node
  • 3286 Command line not executed in the GDC shortcut if RLOGIN connection protocol used
  • 3294 It is impossible to unhide a Terminal (under Windows)
  • 3295 In a shortcut, it is sometimes impossible to get a string from connection management
  • 3308 Changing HTTP shortcut from “conneted to AS” to “connected to web server” not taken in account
  • 3310 The sort order of connection strings is lexigraphic and it should be numeric
  • 3312 If the password entered by the user is wrong, the terminal doesn’t close
  • 3315 Crash occurs when using ui.interface.refresh when building StartMenu Dynamically
  • 3316 Environment variables need to be separated by a blank space in the GDC command line
  • 3320 Slowness when clicking on an empty column header
  • 3321 Slowness when clicking on an empty column header
  • 3323 Attribute HEIGHT not taken into account on TABLE container
  • 3324 Vertical scrollbar doesn’t take part in the WIDTH defined for a TABLE container
  • 3336 Crash occurs when closing window if Toolbar is undocked
  • 3357 PageUp/PageDown navigation should be the same in Scrollgrid and in Tables
  • 3358 –startDirect does not work if gdc is already running
  • 3367 Problems using cursor keys on popup menu on Linux
  • 3427 Focus lost on MDI 2nd child application while 1st child application is running
  • 3429 TopMenu overlaps the main form
  • 3455 Cannot pass arguments to an application through the URL (GDCAX)
  • 3458 Image not found if server name used in the URL
  • 3461 port forwarding with port greater than 32768 may not work
  • 3469 frontcall execute may not work with certain DOS applications
  • 3470 Calling ‘frontCall()’ with an empty variable makes the GDC crash
  • 3472 Button of widget BUTTONEDIT or DATEEDIT doesn’t scroll in TABLE
  • 3475 Title of the current TABLE column displayed in bold when tabbing through the columns
  • 3480 MaxLength attribute not correctly handled when multibyte is used
  • 3499 Connections rejected if started too fast after previous one
  • 3507 Having toolbar icons searched on the web may make the window resize
  • 3508 Column width not saved in the registry when resizing by double-click
  • 3527 FGLSERVER not correctly set if changing shortcut type from SSH (+portForwarding) to rlogin or telnet
  • 3528 When using the connection strings, you could get a crash
  • 3529 With a shortcut configured to initially hide the terminal, fgltty crashes
  • 3547 TopMenu separator not reloaded when reloading the TopMenu
  • 3550 Starting a second GDC without -n and without -S should raise GDC’s monitor
  • 3553 set hidden to a folderPage performs the action of the following page
  • 3587 Crash may occur when closing a fgl_winmsg popup
  • 3589 Action panel button size not well set if image not square
  • 3610 MenuAction default view can be shown even if an action view is on the form
  • 3640 Crash when right click on Form Toolbar on MDI internal window
  • 645 When minimizing an application you may get an additional item in the taskbar
  • 3661 Connection refused if _FGLFEID starts with a numeric value

For more details check the release notes.


This product version is defined to work with Genero BDL 1.31.1d.


Four Js Genero Web Services Extension version 1.31.1d is being
released today October 22, 2004

The previous released version was 1.30.2f.

This release is a maintenance release. The first goal of maintenance
releases is to correct issues and problems found in previous versions.

This Maintenance Release is now available for download from our
Four Js Development Tools web server at .


  • IBM AIX 4.3.3 64 bits
  • Hewlett Packard HP-UX 11 64 bits
  • Linux Red Hat Entreprise Edition 3.0 Update 1 (glibc 2.3)
  • Sun Solaris SPARC 8 & 9 (64 bits)
  • fjs-fgl-1.31.1d-w32vc71.exe: Microsoft Windows NT4.0/NT2000/XP/2003 Visual C++ 7.1


Packages listed below will be available in following weeks.

  • Linux w/GNU libc 2.2.x and higher
  • Sun Solaris SPARC 2.6.0 and higher (32 bits)
  • Hewlett Packard Itanium HP-UX 11 64 bits
  • Hewlett Packard HP-UX 11 32 bits
  • IBM AIX 4.3.3 and higher (32 bits)
  • IBM AIX 5.1 and 5.2 64 bits
  • Compaq Tru64 Unix 5.1 B
  • fjs-gws-1.31.1d-w32vc60.exe: Microsoft Windows NT4.0/NT2000/XP/2003 Visual C++ 6.0
  • SCO OpenServer 5.0.5
  • SCO Unixware 7.11
  • IBM AS400 Linux SuSE 8.1 32 bits (Glibc 2.2.5) Kernel 2.4.19 (PowerPC)


  • libfglwse: When the SOAP engine detects an error, it generates a SOAP fault with a clear message to help identifying the problem.
  • fglwsdl: In the generated client stub, the INITIALIZE output record TO NULL instruction has been removed due to the correction of bug #3614
  • libfgltransport: The transport layer has been modified to work correctly with the new interruption handling with SSH port forwarding of the DVM (See release notes of DVM for more information). 3142 Code generated from a wsdl file containing 4GL keywords as parameter, has not the expected behaviour or may not compile 3206 SOAP arrays decoding failed if ID elements are not in ascendant order
  • 3375 fglwsdl crash with “xmlBufferAdd : out of memory!” message
  • 3404 SOAP serveur should not support chunked encoding in HTTP 1.0
  • 3531 fgl_ws_generateWSDL() generates instead of for RECORDs
  • 3532 Bad error detection during the establishment of an asynchronous connection to a not responding server
  • 3613 The deserialization of a SOAP request coming from a .NET client where one or more parameters are null failed
  • 3614 When a client receives a SOAP fault, the output record still contains the values of the previous request instead of NULL
  • 3615 On server side, after the execution of a web function, the SOAP engine doesn’t put the input and output record to NULL

For more details check the release notes.


This product version is defined to work with Genero BDL 1.31.1d.


Four Js Genero Application Server version 1.31.1a is being
released today October 22, 2004

The previous released version was 1.30.1a.

This release is a maintenance release. The first goal of maintenance
releases is to correct issues and problems found in previous versions.

This Maintenance Release is now available for download from our
Four Js Development Tools web server at .


  • IBM AIX 4.3.3 and higher (32 & 64 bits)
  • Hewlett Packard HP-UX 11 32 & 64 bits
  • Linux Red Hat Entreprise Edition 3.0 Update 1 (glibc 2.3)
  • Sun Solaris SPARC 2.6.0 and higher (32 & 64 bits)
  • fjs-gas-1.31.1a-windows.exe: Microsoft Windows NT4.0/NT2000/XP/2003


Packages listed below will be available in following weeks.

  • IBM AS400 Linux SuSE 8.1 32 bits (Glibc 2.2.5) Kernel 2.4.19 (PowerPC)
  • Hewlett Packard Itanium HP-UX 11 64 bits
  • Linux w/GNU libc 2.2.x and higher
  • Compaq Tru64 Unix 5.1 B
  • SCO OpenServer 5.0.5
  • SCO Unixware 7.11


  • Support of the new “compression” and “encapsulation” system in the communication between the GDC and the DVM.
  • Windows isapi connector has been reviewed, execution problems are now solved 1720 fglccgi crashes when no gasd launched

For more details check the release notes.


This product version is defined to work with:

  • the Genero Desktop Client ax (a.k.a GDCax) version 1.31.1c,
  • the Genero Business Development Language version 1.31.1d,
  • the Genero Web Services (a.k.a GWS) to version 1.31.1d.


Users Guides and other documentation for 1.31 products are now
available online.


As usual with Four Js policy, all customers under maintenance
have free access to the new release from Four Js Development
Tools web server at