Glossary of licensing terms

A glossary of terms used in Genero licensing.

Table 1. Genero license terminology
Term Definition
Activate license Activating a license is the act of registering the license with Four Js, so you can legally use the software on the server where it has been installed. The license can be registered over the internet when installing the license, or it can be registered on the Four Js website.
Backup license A backup license is a duplicate license installed on a "mirror" machine for secure installations requiring fault-tolerant or fail-over configurations. The backup license is a replica of the active server license. To read more about backup licensing, go to Standard, evaluation, and backup licenses.
Compilation license Go to runtime license.
Concurrent-user licensing Genero software user licensing is based on the number of concurrent users accessing Dynamic Virtual Machines (DVM) running on a server. Go to User licenses and Estimating how many licenses you need. See also CPU Licenses.
CPU license A CPU license provides an infinite pool of licenses, allowing an unlimited number of users to connect to a specific server and run applications. A CPU license is limited by the CPU count; the number of physical or virtual CPUs on the server must match the number encrypted in the license. To read more about CPU licensing, go to CPU Licenses. See also User license.
Customer code The customer code is a unique code that Four Js assigns to each customer. You must enter the code when activating a license.
Deployment license Go to runtime license.
Development license A development license is needed in a development environment to compile source files of applications developed with Genero products used for development purposes. The development license also allows developers to run applications. To read more about development licensing, go to Selecting a license to purchase.
End-user license agreement (EULA) An end-user license agreement is a legal contract entered into between Four Js and the user of the software. For more information, see the Standard End User License Agreement and Service Level Agreement documents at
Evaluation license An evaluation license is a license for trialing the software; for example, as part of the Genero Evaluation Program (GEP). It is a fully-functional license allowing use of the Genero family of products to a specified number of users. The license is time limited for a period (typically 90 days). To read more about the evaluation license, go to Standard, evaluation, and backup licenses.
Four Js License Manager (FLM) The Four Js License Manager is a license management server that centralizes the management of licenses for various types and versions of Genero products on a single machine or on a network. It has a command-line interface (flmprg ) to install and manage licensing. To read more on FLM usage, go to What is the Four Js License Manager (FLM)? and Four Js License Manager usage scenarios, or refer to Four Js License Manager User Guide.
Genero licenser The Genero Licenser is a browser-based graphical user interface (GUI) license management tool you can use to install, update, and manage your Genero product license on a local server. For more information on the Genero licenser, go to What is the Genero Licenser?.
Grace period A grace period is a set amount of time (typically 60 days) for which your Genero software will continue to function after the Subscription license or the maintenance contract has expired. This allows for the occasions when licenses or maintenance may unintentionally lapse. For more information on grace period by product, go to Using a license.
Install license Installing the license is the act of unlocking the software for use on your server by applying the license number, license key, and maintenance or subscription key using the license controller or FLM. License installation is completed when the installation number is activated by Four Js and the installation key is installed. For more information on license installation, see Install and License your Genero Products or Four Js License Manager User Guide.
Import license Licenses can be moved from one Genero installation to another or from one License Manager to another License Manager. For example, when you install a new product version, you can move the license from your existing product installation using the license controller (fglWrt or greWrt) or FLM (flmprg) import-license command.
Installation key The installation key is a code assigned by Four Js when you activate the license for the Genero product. The installation key is installed using the license controller or FLM as part of license installation.
Installation number The installation number is a code generated by the license controller when you install the license for the Genero product on your server. You must enter the installation number when activating a license.
License controller The License controller is a license management tool installed with the Genero product. It has a command-line interface (fglWrt or greWrt) to install and manage licensing on your server. For more information on the license controller, go to What is the License Controller?.
License key The license key is a unique code given to you with the purchase of the software to unlock it and make it available for use. You must enter the key when installing the license. For more information on the license key, go to Recognizing a license number.
License Manager Go to Four Js License Manager
License number The license number is a unique code given to you with the purchase of the software. The number of CPUs or the number of users allowed by the license is encrypted in the number and used by the license controller to manage licensing. You must enter the license number when installing the license. For more information on the license number, go to Recognizing a license number.
License server Go to Four Js License Manager.
License string A license string is an encoding of your license number, license key, maintenance/subscription key, and customer code. It is easier to use in license installation and upgrading. For more information on license installation with a license string, see Install and License your Genero Products or Four Js License Manager User Guide.
Local licensing With local licensing, you license each Genero installation on the server where installed. Each Genero product has a license controller for installing and managing licensing. For more information on local license installation, see Install and License your Genero Products. See also Four Js License Manager.
Maintenance contract The maintenance contract forms an agreement with Four Js giving you the right to receive software updates and upgrade the software to the newest version for a product licensed with a perpetual license. The maintenance contract is valid for a year and is renewable at the end of term. For more information on maintenance, go to Managing a perpetual license.
Maintenance key A maintenance key is supplied when you purchase or renew a maintenance contract for a perpetual license of a Genero product. The maintenance key determines the date when the maintenance contract expires. When you are installing a product license, you will be prompted for the maintenance key. For more information on maintenance keys, go to Managing a perpetual license.
New Activation key request Once a license is installed and activated on a server, typically it can not be activated again on another server. For example, if you need to replace a server where Genero products are installed, you will need an activation key to install the license on the new server. You must request a new activation key from Four Js. A Temporary license may be needed at this time.
Perpetual license A perpetual license allows you to install and use the software indefinitely. Software updates, and upgrades to the newest version are not included. You need to purchase them in a maintenance contract to receive them. For more information on perpetual licensing, go to Subscription and perpetual licenses and Managing a perpetual license.
Runtime license A runtime license is needed in production environments for users accessing applications developed with Genero products and deployed on production sites. To read more about runtime licensing, go to Development and runtime licenses by product.
Standard license A standard license forms an agreement with Four Js giving the licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable development or runtime license to use the software in compliance with the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement. This license is granted to the licensee only for the number of users (concurrent users or CPU users) and for the term (perpetual or subscription) specified in the purchase order accepted by Four J’s and paid for by the licensee.
Subscription license A subscription license allows you to install and use the software for a specified time period. This license includes technical support and access to upgrades and patches released during the term of the subscription. Once the agreement term has expired, a new subscription license must be purchased. For more information on subscription licensing, go to Subscription and perpetual licenses and Managing a subscription license.
Subscription key A subscription key is required when you purchase or renew a Subscription license. The subscription key determines the date that the license expires. When you are licensing a product, you will be prompted for the subscription key during the licensing process. For more information on subscription key, go to Managing a subscription license.
Temporary license A temporary license is a stage between when the license is installed on a server and before it is activated with Four Js. During this period, you have full use of the product for 30 days. For more information on temporary license, go to Temporary licenses.
User license A User license defines a pool of licenses, based on the number of licenses purchased. The size of the license pool is what limits the number of concurrent users that can connect to and run Genero applications. To read more about user licensing, go to User Licenses. See also CPU licenses.