GAS directories

GAS is installed in different directories in a Linux®/UNIX™ platform to a Windows® one. To help you manage your GAS installation, there are descriptions of its files and directories, and recommendations for its use.

The two main directories of the GAS are:

Installation directory
The installation directory is where the installation files are located. It is defined by the FGLASDIR environment variable and set by the resource $( in the GAS configuration file, see GAS configuration file).
Application directory
The application directory is where the application data files managed by the GAS are located. The "appdata" directory, as it is commonly known, is set by the resource $(res.appdata.path) in the GAS configuration file.

GAS has the following prerequisites for application data:

  • The appdata directory and all the search paths for VM server image files defined by the FGLIMAGEPATH environment variable must be located on the same file system. For more details on FGLIMAGEPATH, see the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.
  • The DVM uses hard links to avoid file copies. As hard links are direct pointers to data on the disk, they can not span file systems.
Note: It is not recommended to change the location of appdata.
If you need to customized the application file directory location due to, for example, disk space constraints, it is recommended that you move the entire directory hierarchy starting from the root directory at appdata and ensure that all appdata files are relocated on the same file system.
If you have two partitions, partition A and B, they are considered two distinct file systems even if stored on the same physical device.
To implement a location change on the GAS for appdata, there are two recommended options:
  • You can reset the resource $(res.appdata.path) in the GAS configuration file with an absolute path reference to the new location. The example shows appdata located in the path of the GAS installation resource, $(
    <RESOURCE Id="res.appdata.path" Source="INTERNAL">$(</RESOURCE>
  • Or alternatively, at the command line you can override the GAS configuration file $(res.appdata.path) resource with dispatcher option -E. For more information on using dispatcher options, see the relevant dispatcher page: Dispatcher: httpdispatch,Dispatcher: fastcgidispatch.
Table 1. FGLASDIR directories and files
Directory/Subdirectories Files or Details Description
$FGLASDIR   Contains script for setting environment variables:

On Linux/UNIX: envas

On Windows®: envas.bat

GAS installation directory.
/bin *.exe GAS dispatchers and VMProxy executables.
/etc as.xcf Default GAS configuration file.
/ISAPI isapidispatch.ini ISAPI extension configuration file.
/lib   Library files.
/license *.txt End user license agreement and notice regarding third party products.
/release readme.txt Copyright notice and release notes.
$FGLASDIR/tpl   Contains the Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS) project file in the format of See Configure your environment.
/shortcut *.gdc Shortcuts for applications that can be run by the Genero Desktop Client using /da/r URLs. See Running a desktop application
$FGLASDIR/web demos.html Root directory for direct communication to the application server. The demos.html file provides access to Demos applications.

The _default text file contains the directory name of the GWC-JS client, which is used to start a Web application.

One or more GWC-JS clients are packaged with the GAS. Client directories are in the format of gwc-js-version, for example gwc-js-1.10.01. See GWC-JS application bootstrap.
Table 2. appdata Directories and Files
Directory/Subdirectories Files or Details Description

On Linux/UNIX: $FGLASDIR/appdata

GAS application data directory.

On Windows: C:\ProgramData\vendor\gas\gas_version

appdata/app *.xcf Default application group; the default location for your application configuration files.
appdata/deployment Contains a directory for each application. Applications deployed with Genero Archive.
appdata/public     A public resource path for all applications.
Public images should not be placed in the /public root directory as the fglrun does not look for images to be served via the GAS there; searches start in subdirectory paths, i.e. public/common and public/deployment.
/common   A resource for common images used by applications. It is the default PUBLIC_IMAGEPATH directory.
/deployment A directory is created for each application. Contains public images deployed with applications by the deployment framework (fglgar), see Resource deployment overview.


Note: Users need write permissions for this directory. Users who installed the Genero Application Server have write permissions. If users that start the Genero Application Server (for example Apache®) are not in that group, then you need to grant them write permission.
/dispatcher_name/date vm, proxy, and dispatcher logs A directory is created for each dispatcher, for example, httpdispatch (for the standalone GAS). The logs for a given day are stored in a directory named for that date. See Logging.
Note: DVM logs are redirected to files when DAILYFILE is set for the log output type, see OUTPUT (under LOG).
/gasadmin/date   The logs for gasadmin actions for a given day are stored in a directory named for that date.


    Persistent session table information.
Note: Users need write permissions for this directory. Users who installed the Genero Application Server have write permissions. If users that start the Genero Application Server (for example Apache®) are not in that group, then you need to grant them write permission.
The session directory should only be used to store session files, which are required to reconnect dispatchers to proxies. It should not contain other files or subdirectories.
/dispatcher_name A directory is created for each dispatcher.
/gasadmin   The directory may exist, but it is not used by gasadmin.


  Default file transfer directory.
Note: Users need write permissions for this directory. Users who installed the Genero Application Server have write permissions. If users that start the Genero Application Server (for example Apache®) are not in that group, then you need to grant them write permission.
/dispatcher_name   A directory is created for each dispatcher.
/gasadmin   The gasadmin directory stores gasadmin actions, such as exploring the configuration (xcf) files.
appdata/services *.xcf Default services group; the default directory for your Web services configuration files.