When you run an application, the Genero Application Server (GAS) creates separate log
files for its dispatchers, proxies, and the Dynamic Virtual Machines (DVMs) started by those
proxies. These files may be viewed for troubleshooting.
- A log file is generated for each dispatcher. This log file captures incoming requests, the
starting of proxies, responses sent, and system error messages.
- A log file is generated for each proxy started. A separate log file is generated for each
proxy started.
- A log file is generated for each DVM started. DVM standard error and standard output are
sent to the dedicated DVM log files.
When in development mode, the ending page for a Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS) Web
application contains a link to the DVM log file.
Figure 1. Example GWC-JS application ended page
Log files are also accessible from the GAS monitor via the (LOG) link next to the proxy
name or PID display.
Note: See
Table 2 for details
on the location of log files.
Log file names
For the dispatcher log, the name specifies the type of dispatcher. Example:
For the proxy log, the name indicates the type of proxy. Examples:
- uaproxy-<session-id>.log
- gwsproxy-<group>-<app>.log
For the DVM log, if the DVM is started by the
gdcproxy or
gwcproxy, the name includes the
When working with Web services, a GWS proxy can spawn multiple DVMs. Each DVM gets its own log
file. The log file is suffixed with a number from 0 to MAX_AVAILABLE-1. A log file is reused for
new DVM logs if the previous DVM has finished, to avoid the accumulation of log files on
- vm-<group>-<app>-<number>.log
- vm-demo-Calculator-0.log
- vm-demo-Calculator-1.log
Manage the Genero Application Server log files
The GAS creates a log for each application session. As a result, you can end up with a lot of
log files. You should have some plan for archiving and removing log files. For UNIX-based platforms,
you can use utilities such as logrotate to compress and move log files. For Windows, any program
that can compress and archive log files can be used.
Note: If using
logrotate on Apache web server logs, lograte will start and
stop the Apache server. When Apache restarts, it also starts a new
fastcgidispatch process (see
Apache: mod_fastcgi) while it may not stop the
existing process. If you observe this behavior, you can set logrotate's
prerotate script to get the pid of the running
fastcgidispatch process, it should then be possible to stop the old
fastcgidispatch process in the
postrotate script, for more
information see