OUTPUT (under LOG)

The OUTPUT element specifies where the log messages are sent or written.

The OUTPUT element takes an attribute of Type and an optional path value. If the path value is not specified, the default of $FGLASDIR/log is used.
Note: The default Genero Application Server configuration file provides a value for the OUTPUT element, specifying a directory other than $FGLASDIR/log. This directory can vary depending on the operating system. Check the configuration file to identify the directory specified for your installation.
Table 1. Valid values for the Type attribute of the OUTPUT element
Type Description
DAILYFILE Log files are written to disk. New log files are created each day.

A directory is created each day with the naming convention naming YYYYMMDD. All log files created by the GAS during the day are stored in this directory.

If a path is specified, the daily directory is created and stored under the log directory in the specified directory.

If a path is not specified, the log files are created in the default log directory.

DVM logs are redirected to files when DAILYFILE is set for the log output type.

CONSOLE Log messages are sent to standard output.


<OUTPUT Type="DAILYFILE">$(res.as.dir)/logdirs</OUTPUT>

In the first example, the daily log file is written to the default logging directory.

In the second example, the daily directory would be created in $(res.as.dir)/logdirs/log.

In the third example, log messages are sent to standard output.

In the fourth example, log messages are both written to a log file in the default logging directory and sent to standard output.

Parent elements

This element is a child of one of the following elements: LOG