URI Examples

Several URI examples with ways to help you launch and monitor applications.

These examples are grouped under the headings connections, launching applications, Web services, and application groups.

Direct connection to standalone GAS

Calls the "myApp" Web application on the "myApplicationServer" Application Server, listening to port 6394:

If the application is in the default group (_default), you can use the same URL or you can include the group name:

The use of the _default group name is optional.

Connection through a Web server

Calls the "myApp" application through the "myWebServer" Web Server.
Launching applications

Running a Web application

Calls the "myApp" application:

Running a desktop application

Using the URL with da protocol launches an application via the Genero Desktop Client monitor.
Note: Prerequisites:
  1. GDC is installed
  2. Application extension associations for gdc are set

Starting applications with arguments

Calls the "myApp" application with arguments, through the "myWebServer" Web Server:
  1. A question mark (?) follows the application name.
  2. Val1 is the value of the first argument and Val2 is the value of the second argument.
  3. Each argument is separated by an ampersand (&).

Set gwc-js customization with query string parameter

To specify the customization to use for the GWC-JS user interface, add the gwc-js query string parameter to the application URL.
You can see:
  • A question mark (?) follows the application name.
  • gwc-js is the query string parameter.
  • <my-custom-gwc-js> is either a text file containing a directory name or a directory name itself, pointing to the customization directory.
The GAS searches for the GWC-JS directory specified in the string in the paths defined by the GWC-JS-LOOKUP_PATH element.
Note: The gwc-js value provided in the query string takes precedence over the configuration for the GWC-JS element in the application configuration file (xcf).
Web services

Running a WSDL Web service application

To get the WSDL for a specified service:
To access the Web service:
If the Web service uses a group:
Access through a Web server:

Get list of services invalidated by dispatcher

To retrieve a list of all services that have been invalidated by the dispatcher, enter the following URL in a browser:
You see a page displaying a list of invalid configuration files (if any).
Note: If the list is formatted via an XSLT style sheet, the name of the xcffile, its group (if any), and the absolute path to the external xcf (if any) is displayed.
If there are no invalid services, you see a page displaying:
There are no invalid configuration files.
Application groups

Running an application using a group

Calls the "myApp" application defined in group "demo" through the "myWebServer" Web Server.


Get the groups for all applications

To retrieve the list of all groups configured for applications on an application server listening to port 6394, enter the following URL in a browser:
An XML document, like the following, is outputted:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
 <RESPONSE Request='/monitor/configuration/application/group'>
 <ENTRY Value='C:\gas-current\pkg-ebiz-appserver/app' Name='_default'/>
 <ENTRY Value='C:\gas-current\pkg-ebiz-appserver/demo/app' Name='demo'/>
 <ENTRY Value='C:\gas-current\common\repository' Name='common'/>
 <ENTRY Value='C:\gas-current\tests' Name='qa-test'/>