GBC 4.01.05 new features and upgrade notes

A summary of new features and changes in functionality introduced with Genero Browser Client (GBC) 4.01.05. Note the changes you may need to make when moving to this version of the GBC.


This version of GBC is desupported, use a more recent version of the product.


This page covers only those new features introduced with the Genero Browser Client version specified in the page title. Check prior new features pages if you migrate from an earlier version.

For a detailed list of GBC 4.01.05 changes, please refer to the list of fixes on our issue tracker.

Previous new features page: GBC 4.01.03 new features and upgrade notes.

Topmenu defaults

From GBC 4.01.05 onward, by default:

  • A topmenu uses the classic rendering in desktop browsers and in desktop front-ends.
  • A topmenu uses the sidebar rendering in mobile browsers and in mobile front-ends.

In previous versions of the GBC, the topmenu changed dynamically from classic to sidebar rendering depending on the browser window size. This no longer occurs. For more information, go to Application page.

Override these defaults using the Genero presentation style (.4st) attributes topmenuDesktopRendering and topmenuMobileRendering. For more information about topmenus, refer to the Topmenus section in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.

Compact theme

A new compact theme is available on desktop browsers. The compact theme uses less space than the GBC default theme. The compact theme is not the default; users may select the compact theme from the Settings dialog. See Default themes.

Using the compact theme can assist in your migration efforts. Customers migrating to Genero 4.01 find that applications that previously used GDC-Native now use GDC-UR, which relies on the GBC, and the GBC default theme is more spaced out than the GDC-Native. The spacing of the compact theme more closely resembles the spacing used for the GDC-Native.

Context menu for tables

The context menu that allows you to show or hide columns is now available by right-clicking on any column header.

Theme variable for table row height

A new theme variable is available:

theme-table-minimal-row-height Define the minimal table row height in pixels. The default value is 24.