Theme miscellaneous
Defines theme variables
Set the font family
Type: string
Default value: $'Droid Sans, sans-serif'
Computed value: Droid Sans, sans-serif
Set the monospace font family
Type: string
Default value: $'Droid Sans Mono, monospace'
Computed value: Droid Sans Mono, monospace
Animation duration (in seconds), such as the speed of Product identication window pop-down appearance.
Type: string
Default value: $0.3s
Computed value: 0.3s
Alias (for compatibility): $gbc-animation-duration
Deactivates the pop-up warning displayed on leaving an application. The pop-up warning will be shown if at least one interaction/change has occurred on the application. In development mode on httpdispatch or using the debugMode=1 query string, the popup is never shown.
Type: boolean
Default value: $false
Computed value: false
Alias (for compatibility): $gbc-disable-ending-popup,gbc-desactivate-ending-popup
Enable degraded mode alerts
Type: boolean
Default value: $true
Computed value: true
Define general scrollers behavior
Type: boolean
Alias (for compatibility): $gbc-scrollers-clickonly
Define the scrollers speed
Type: number
Default value: $10
Computed value: 10
Alias (for compatibility): $gbc-scrollers-speed
- A positive value is the number of seconds to display the pane before fade-out.
- Set to zero (0) to always show the pane.
- Set to a negative value to always hide the pane.
Type: number
Alias (for compatibility): $gbc-message-display-time
- top-left
- top-center
- top-right
- bottom-left
- bottom-center
- bottom-right (default)
Type: string
Default value: $bottom-right
Computed value: bottom-right
Alias (for compatibility): $gbc-message-position
- A positive value is the number of seconds to display the pane before fade-out.
- Set to zero (0) to always show the pane.
- Set to a negative value to always hide the pane.
Type: number
Alias (for compatibility): $gbc-error-display-time
- top-left
- top-center
- top-right
- bottom-left
- bottom-center
- bottom-right (default)
Type: string
Default value: $bottom-right
Computed value: bottom-right
Alias (for compatibility): $gbc-error-position
Define the default collapser position (left or right)
Type: string
Default value: $left
Computed value: left
Enable watching aui mutations
Type: boolean
Set mobile AUI as default
Type: boolean
Use JSON Aui protocol to avoid parsing
Type: boolean
Fallback on action name (for Topmenu, Toolbar and ContextMenu) if there is no text or icon defined for the action
Type: boolean
Gbc default widget used to render table (if value is 'listview' table will be rendered as listview by default else it will be rendered as normal table). Behavior can still be override by 4ST (tableType).
Type: string
Default value: $table
Computed value: table
Force using reduce Filter if not define as a 4ST style
Type: boolean
Use webkit rendering for scrollbars (check for browser compatibility)
Type: boolean
Define webkit scrollbars size
Type: size
Default value: $8px
Computed value: 8px
Define the minimal table row height in pixels
Type: number
Default value: $24
Computed value: 24
Define the minimal table row height in pixels only for mobile
Type: number
Default value: $32
Computed value: 32