GBC 4.01.20 new features and upgrade notes

A summary of new features and changes in functionality introduced with Genero Browser Client (GBC) 4.01.20. Note the changes you may need to make when moving to this version of the GBC.


This version of GBC is desupported, use a more recent version of the product.


This page covers only those new features introduced with the Genero Browser Client version specified in the page title. Check prior new features pages if you migrate from an earlier version.

For a detailed list of GBC 4.01.20 changes, please refer to the list of fixes on our issue tracker.

Previous new features page: GBC 4.01.19 new features and upgrade notes.

standard.feInfo front call has new property colorScheme to set the brightness mode

The standard.feInfo front call supports a new colorScheme property to set the brightness of the display device / user agent to light or dark mode.

For more information, see standard.feInfo in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide. For more information on using front calls for customization, see Customizing your application using front calls.

Mobile front call support added

Some mobile front calls are now implemented in GBC/JavaScript, using JS media APIs. The relevant front calls are:
  • mobile.chooseContact
  • mobile.choosePhoto
  • mobile.takePhoto
  • mobile.chooseVideo
  • mobile.takeVideo
  • mobile.composeMail
  • mobile.composeSMS
  • mobile.getGeolocation
  • mobile.isForeground
  • mobile.connectivity
  • mobile.scanBarCode

For more information on mobile front calls and under what platform and browsers they work, refer to the Genero Business Development Language User Guide

New themes

There are new themes available to support a dark theme for browsers and front-end clients using Universal Rendering.
  • Desktop Dark
  • Desktop Compact Dark
  • Mobile Dark
  • UR Dark
  • UR Compact Dark
  • UR Dark
For more information about themes, go to Default themes.

Foreground and background mode support

The GBC can now detect when a browser window or current tab is hidden or shown, allowing the application state to be detected and managed in the application code. For more information on the enterforeground and enterbackground predefined actions, refer to the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.

New material color constant

The $mt-dark-grey color constant is added.

For more information about material color constants, go to Material color constants and Themes and colors.

Default GBC theme

The default values for many theme variables and CSS styles have changed, causing some subtle differences in the look-and-feel of the default GBC.

Table 1. CheckBoxWidget variable value changed
Variable Comment
$gbc-CheckBoxWidget-disabled-color Value is $theme-disabled-color by default (previously $theme-disabled-background-color)
Table 2. RadioGroupWidget variable value changed
Variable Comment
$gbc-RadioGroupWidget-disabled-color Value is $theme-disabled-color by default (previously $theme-disabled-background-color)
Table 3. StartMenuWidget variable value changed
Variable Comment
$gbc-StartMenuCommandWidget-disabled-color Value is $theme-disabled-color by default (previously $theme-disabled-background-color)
Table 4. Theme variable value changed
Variable Comment
$theme-disabled-color Value is $palette-disabled-54 by default (previously $palette-disabled-200)
$theme-disabled-background-color Value is $palette-disabled-200 by default (previously $palette-disabled-400)
$theme-chromebar-inactive-window-background-color Value is $theme-overlay-background-color by default (previously $palette-disabled-600)
$theme-field-disabled-background-color Value is $theme-disabled-background-color by default (previously $theme-disabled-color)
Table 5. Main color variable value changed
Variable Comment
$palette-background Generator is material-text-color (previously material-color)
$palette-error Generator is material-text-color (previously material-color)