Main color palettes

Defines general colors palettes appearing in the customization.


Defines the theme's main color base

Type: color

Default value: $mt-blue

Computed value: #2196f3

Alias (for compatibility): $primary


Defines the theme's secondary color base

Type: color

Default value: $mt-grey

Computed value: #9e9e9e


Defines the theme's disabled color base

Type: color

Default value: $mt-grey

Computed value: #9e9e9e


Defines the theme's primary text color base

Type: color

Default value: $mt-text-white

Computed value: #ffffff

Alias (for compatibility): $text-light


Defines the theme's secondary text color base

Type: color

Default value: $mt-text-black

Computed value: #212121

Alias (for compatibility): $text-dark


Defines the theme's default background color

Type: color

Default value: $mt-white

Computed value: #ffffff


Defines the theme's error background color

Type: color

Default value: $mt-red

Computed value: #f44336