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Genero Browser Client User Guide 5.00
Search is case-insensitive.
as operators.
[word1 word2]
is like
Do not use quotes to group words.
Example: [datetimeedit
Search Results
Customization reference
Theme reference
Theme variables reference
Theme constants
Parent topic
Theme constants
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Genero Browser Client User Guide
What's New in 5.00.08
Documentation conventions
Syntax diagrams
Notes, tips, and warnings
Code examples
Welcome to the Genero Browser Client
GBC principles
Key players
How the GBC works
Universal Rendering
Install Genero Browser Client
Genero compatibility for the GBC
GBC 5.00 and Genero compatibility
GBC 1.00 and Genero compatibility
Install the GBC runtime package
Install the GBC project package
Update runtime on GAS
From the command line
With the Deployment App
GBC at runtime
Tour the GBC
Home page
Application page
Application ended page
Selecting customizations and themes
Start in debug mode
Debug icons
Record a GBC log
Replay a GBC log
View the AUI debug tree
View stacked windows
Run without waiting
Application bootstrap
Use of cookies
Query string parameters
How customization works
Planning for the customization
Getting the customization to the user
Set up your GBC build environment
Create a customization project
Build and deploy the GBC
Create a runtime package
Deploy on GAS
Deploy on JGAS
Change the version customization suffix
Working with themes
Add a theme part
Add a theme
Modify a theme
Delete a theme
Customizing your application
Replace an image
Change the favicon
Change background image
Use theme variables
Customize the sidebar
Customize the chromebar
Change icons
Display the Genero context menu
Change relog prompt
HTTP retries
Change the retry on error
Use style sheets
Change progress indicator
Center file loading icon
Add fonts
Use widgets
Create a widget
Widget examples
Extend the MainContainerWidget
Add header image
Add header image using style class
Add header text
Add footer text
Change file loading icon
Widget instantiation overrides
Widget reference
Widget JavaScript file
Widget template file
Widget scss file
Widgets with Modelhelper
Use front calls
Open a popup window
Sound system beep on error
Change footer text
Internationalize your app
Add localized text
Configure right-to-left languages
Customize translation text
Customization reference
Theme reference
theme.config.json file
theme.scss.json file
Theme conditions
Default themes
Theme variables reference
Theme variables overview
Themes and colors
Theme colors
Theme layout variables
Theme network features
Theme miscellaneous
Theme optional colors
Main color palettes
Material variables
Material button specific variables
Material card specific variables
Material dialog specific variables
Material field specific variables
Material list specific variables
Material progress specific variables
Material responsive specific variables
Material sidebar specific variables
Material tabs specific variables
Material toolbar specific variables
Widgets specific variables
Accordion folder specific variables
Application Host level specific variables
Application Monitor Debug level specific variables
Button edit specific variables
Button specific variables
Canvas specific variables
Checkbox specific variables
Chromebar specific variables
Combo box specific variables
Command link specific variables
Context menu specific variables
Date edit specific variables
Dropdown specific variables
Edit specific variables
File input specific variables
File picker specific variables
Folder specific variables
Form specific variables
Group specific variables
HLine specific variables
Image specific variables
Label specific variables
Listview specific variables
Menu specific variables
Message specific variables
Modal specific variables
Page specific variables
Progress bar widget
Radio group widget
Rip graphic specific variables
ScrollBarWidget specific variables
Scroll grid specific variables
Session level specific variables
Slider specific variables
Spin edit specific variables
Splitter specific variables
Stack specific variables
StartMenu specific variables
Table specific variables
Text edit specific variables
Time edit specific variables
Toolbar specific variables
Top menu specific variables
Traditional screen specific variables
User interface specific variables
Window specific variables
Gbc Fonts
HTML defaults variables
Navigation variables
Responsive defaults variables
Theme constants
Genero color definitions
Genero system color definitions
Material color constants
Project directory
Customization directory
Build tool reference
gbc tool syntax
Configure your build
Fix configuration issues
API reference
New Features and Upgrade Notes
GBC 5.00.08
GBC 5.00.07
GBC 5.00.06
GBC 5.00.05
GBC 5.00.04
GBC 5.00.03
GBC 5.00.02
GBC 5.00.01
GBC 5.00.00
GBC 4.01.22
GBC 4.01.21
GBC 4.01.20
GBC 4.01.19
GBC 4.01.18
GBC 4.01.17
GBC 4.01.16
GBC 4.01.15
GBC 4.01.14
GBC 4.01.13
GBC 4.01.12
GBC 4.01.11
GBC 4.01.10
GBC 4.01.09
GBC 4.01.08
GBC 4.01.07
GBC 4.01.06
GBC 4.01.05
GBC 4.01.03
GBC 4.01.02
GBC 4.01.01
GBC 4.01.00
GBC 4.00.04
GBC 4.00.03
GBC 1.00.66
GBC 1.00.65
GBC 1.00.64
GBC 1.00.63
GBC 1.00.62
GBC 1.00.61
GBC 1.00.60
GBC 1.00.59
GBC 1.00.58
GBC 1.00.57
GBC 1.00.56
GBC 1.00.55
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GBC 1.00.53
GBC 1.00.52
GBC 1.00.51
GBC 1.00.50
GBC 1.00.49
GBC 1.00.48
GBC 1.00.47
GBC 1.00.46
GBC 1.00.45
GBC 1.00.44
GBC 1.00.43
GBC 1.00.41
GBC 1.00.40
GBC 1.00.39
GBC 1.00.38
Prior to GBC 1.00.38
Upgrade guides
Migrate customizations
Upgrade to GAS 3.20
Upgrade to GAS 3.10
Migrating GDC to GBC
Rendering limitations
Behavior limitations
Migration tips
Migrating GWC-HTML5 to GBC
Copyrights and Trademarks