General Properties These are the general properties of a report element. Alignment (alignment)The Alignment property controls the position of a report element relative to its parent container.Alignment (align)The Alignment property for the Paragraph specifies the horizontal adjustment of the paragraph text. Anchor X (anchorX)The Anchor X property shifts the attachment point for self-adjusting nodes.Anchor Y (anchorY)The Anchor Y property shifts the attachment point for self-placing nodes.Background Color (bgColor)The Background Color property sets the background color for an element. Baseline Type (baselineType)The Baseline Type property specifies which baseline of a report element should be linked to which baseline of a preceding element.Bold (fontBold)The Bold property sets a bold font style for this node and all its children. Class (class)The Class property specifies one or more classes for categorizing the report element. Clip (clip)The Clip property specifies whether to trim a report element and its content along the sides. Color (color)The Color property sets the paint color for an element and all its children.Comment (comment)The Comment property allows report designers to add additional information as they design the report objects.Default (referenceDefault)The Default property specifies the text value to be displayed in the Reference Box when the reference cannot be resolved.Field Name (fieldName)The Field Name property specifies the name of the field from the data schema.Fill (fill)The Fill property specifies how an image is resized or clipped to fit an area.Floating Behavior (floatingBehavior)The Floating Behavior property controls the sizing behavior of the parent box when the node floats (sets X or Y). Format (format)The Format property controls the output of a numeric or date display.Format (pageNoFormat)The Format property sets the number format type for a Page Number element. Hang (hang)The Hang property specifies the depth of the hanging indent for a Paragraph. Hide Page Footer On Last Page (hidePageFooterOnLastPage)The Hide Page Footer On Last Page property suppresses the drawing of afterLast, firstPageTail, evenPageTail, and oddPageTail material on the last page. Hide Page Header On Last Page (hidePageHeaderOnLastPage)The Hide Page Header On Last Page property suppresses the drawing of beforeFirst, firstPageHeader, evenPageHeader and oddPageHeader material on the last page. href (href)The href property defines a hyperlink pointing to any resource on the Internet, local disk, or to any anchor inside the report (id)The id property creates an anchor in the report document. Indent (indent)The Indent property specifies the first-line indentation for a Word Wrap Box or Paragraph. InfoNode Name (referenceName)The InfoNode Name property is the name of the Info Node referenced by a Reference Box.Intended Resolution (intendedResolution)The Intended Resolution property controls the mapping of image pixels to device pixels. Italic (fontItalic)The Italic property sets an italic font style for this node and all its children. Layout Direction (layoutDirection)The Layout Direction property controls the direction in which child elements are laid out, which is also the direction of the Y-axis.Localize Text (localizeText)The Localize Text property specifies whether a localized string exists for this value.Location (location)The Location property specifies the URL for a resource, such as an image, HTML file, or PDF. Name (name)The Name property assigns a name to the report element for debugging purposes. Name (fontName)The Name property sets the font face for a node and for all children of the node. Name (pageName)The Name property specifies the parent node of a Page Number element.Offset (pageNoOffset)The Offset property specifies the offset added to the current page number. Page Ranges (pageRanges)The Page Ranges property specifies the pages to include in the PDF.Parent Group (suppressionInitializer)The Parent Group property references another element that acts as an initializer for repeating this element.Password (password)The Password property controls access to the PDF document.Rich Text (richText)The Rich Text property indicates whether the text can have rich text formatting.Role (fieldRole)The Role property specifies the role of the Field in the schema: whether it is part of a report field or label, and whether it is part of a tabular design.Scale X (scaleX)The Scale X property applies the specified scale in the x-direction. Scale Y (scaleY)The Scale Y property applies a specified scale in the y-direction. Section (section)The Section property controls the layout of content within a parent Mini Page. Show On New Page (showFirstRepetitionOnPage)The Show On New Page property specifies whether values repeat across page breaks. Size (fontSize)The Size property sets the font size in points for a node and for all children of the node. Split Oversized Items (splitOversizedItem)The Split Oversized Items property defines the behavior for when a single element exceeds the space in layout direction.Strikethrough (strikethrough)The Strikethrough property specifies strikethrough for the text.Suppress (suppressRepetitions)The Supress property specifies whether the display of an element is suppressed if there is more than one consecutive element with the same value for the Name property with an identical display value.Swap X (swapX)The Swap X property reverses the direction of the X-axis.Text (text)The Text property specifies the text to be drawn.Text Alignment (textAlignment)The Text Alignment property controls the horizontal alignment of text.Text Expression (textExpression)The Text Expression property is used by the Page Number element to calculate a page number string using a PXML String expression.Text Fidelity (fidelity)The Text Fidelity property controls the way text is output. Transform transparently (transformTransparently)When the Transform transparently property is set on a parent, its children map their orientation based on the parent's parent orientation rather than the parent.Trim Text (trimText)The Trim Text property controls the trimming of spaces from the text.Type (objectType)The Type property specifies the type of the report element.Type (richTextType)The Type property of a Rich Text Box specifies whether a PXML or XHTML document is used.Underline (underline)The Underline property specifies that the text is underlined.Value (value)The purpose and type of the Value property depends on the report element.Visibility Condition (condition)The Visibility Condition property indicates whether the object and its desendants are displayed on the report.X (x)The X property specifies the x-value of a X/Y coordinate pair defined by the element. X-Size (X-Size)The X-Size property defines the size of the container along the X axis. X-Size Adjustment (X-Size Adjustment)The X-Size Adjustment property specifies the policy for shrinking or expanding X-Size. Y (y)The Y property specifies the y-value of a X/Y coordinate pair defined by the element. Y-Size (Y-Size)The Y-Size property defines the size of the container along the Y axis. Y-Size Adjustment (Y-Size Adjustment)The Y-Size Adjustment property specifies the policy for shrinking or expanding Y-Size.