Upgrading / Upgrade Guides |
Review when migrating to Genero Studio 2.50.
Figure 1. Select remote host and then configurations
Figure 2. Import configurations
Figure 3. Add a named configuration
Business Application Modeling template files locations are specified with the environment variable GSTSETUPDIR and are no longer specified in .
An environment set is listed for each default template set. Select the correct template set to be used.
If you use a custom template set, you will need to create an Environment Set and set GSTSETUPDIR to the location of your template files. Be sure to check mark your environment set in the configuration(s) for which it is being used. See Migrate customized template sets for specific instructions.
Web components locations are specified with the environment variable GSTWCDIR and are no longer specified in .
If you use web components, you will need to create an Environment Set and set GSTWCDIR to the location of your web components. An environment set named Web Components is listed in the Environment Sets list and can be used as your web component environment set by setting its GSTWCDIR to the location of your web components. Be sure to check mark your environment set in the configuration(s) for which it is being used.
It is recommended that you add schemas to projects so that they are loaded when the project is opened (and not at Genero Studio launch) and so that the project can be available to all developers without any additional configuration needed. However, specifying global schemas is still supported. Global meta-schema files are now specified with the environment variable GSTSCHEMANAMES and are no longer specified in .
Be sure to check mark your environment set in the configuration(s) for which it is being used.
The fieldNamePatterns input parameter for the reporting API function fgl_report_configureAutoformatOutput() has changed from "sort by position of fields in PRINT statement" to "sort by matched pattern and then by position of field in PRINT statement." If you have a report application that uses this function to define the output of an auto-format report that is not of a COMPATIBILITY type, verify that the report formats as expected and make modifications if necessary.
See fgl_report_configureAutoformatOutput.
Prior to version 2.50, localization information (FGLPROFILE, FGLRESOURCEPATH, DBPATH, DBFORMAT and so on) was statically defined at the start of a program and could not be changed at runtime. A work-around at the time was to place reports in separate executables, then to run these executables from the main application with a modified environment. This achieved the effect of modifying the localization configuration on a per report basis. This work-around will not work with reports run in distributed mode; the fgl_report_configureLocalization function should be used instead.