Define sets of environment variables to add to or overwrite the default environment. These environment settings are also usable by each Genero Studio client that
adds a remote Genero Studio Server to its list.
Select to display the configurations for the currently selected
server. Add and modify environment sets as needed.
When you launch any Genero Studio sub-process (run, GDC, compilation,
debug, and so on), Genero Studio sets all redefined environment variables according to the
current context (the Projects context may differ from the File Browser context).
Select the name of an environment set to view/modify the Environment Set variables. Right-click
in the Environment Set area and select Add Environment
Set... to add a new set of environment variables.

Figure 1. Environment sets
See Add or edit environment variables for more details on using the Environment
Variable dialog.
Default environment sets
Some default
environment sets are included.
- Debug
- Contains variables that set the debug level (FGLSQLDEBUG for FGL/SQL, FGLWSDEBUG for Web
Services, and GREDEBUG
for Report Engine.) The values are already set to 9, the highest debug level, but can be changed to
any number between 1 and 9. Debug files will be generated in the current directory.
- DB - xxxx
- Contains some variables required by database clients from the various vendors. The values for
the variables must be entered before using these environment sets. See Database server/user information for information about the specific variables for each
Important: This feature is not supported on mobile platforms.
- Global Database Schemas
- Defines the schema files
(4db, 4dbx, sch) to be loaded by
default into the Meta-schema Manager when Genero Studio is launched. Includes setting for GSTSCHEMANAMES and FGLDBPATH.
- Java SDK
- Environment settings for the installed Java SDK. Adds the Java executables path to the
PATH environment variable.
See the Genero Mobile User Guide for more information.
- Profile
- Contains the environment variable FGLPROFILE; for the value, enter the path of
the current configuration (FGLPROFILE) file to be used by the system before
enabling this environment set; the default location is
FGLDIR/etc/fglprofile. If you are using a remote
environment, the value should be set to the location on the remote host. See Access a database.
- Report Writer
- Contains the environment variables set by default to the installation directory of Genero Report
Engine. This set is automatically enabled, as the environment variables are required when working
with reports.
Important: This feature is not supported on mobile
- Templates
- Contains environment variables set by default to the template directory being used for Business
Application Modeling. Includes setting for GSTSETUPDIR. See The code generation template set.
- Web Components
- Defines GSTWCDIR, the
directory in which the WebComponent XML files and optional icon files are stored.
- Android
- For Genero Mobile, environment settings for the installed Android SDK. See the Genero
Mobile User Guide for more information.
- iOS
- For Genero Mobile, environment settings for iOS. See the Genero Mobile Developer
Guide for more information.
- Mobile Debug Packages
- For Genero Mobile, sets the DEBUG_PACKAGE environment variable to TRUE so that
packages built will include options for debugging. See Debugging a mobile app in the
Genero Mobile Developer Guide.
- Locale
- Sets the LANG environment variable. See Language support (text encoding) and Language and character set settings in
the Genero Business Development Language User Guide for more information.
- Studio Libraries
- Contains the GSTLIBRARYDIR environment variable which specifies the location of the
libraries used with the database generation script.
- Term
- Contains the GSTTERM (Linux, Windows) environment variable which specifies how
to open a terminal on the client machine (Genero Workspace Window, for example). For some Linux
operating systems which do not have xterm, use this to specify the terminal name and the arguments
to launch it. The default is xterm -e (cmd /K).