GDC 3.20 upgrade guide

This section describes differences you may encounter when upgrading to Genero Desktop Client 3.20.


This is an incremental upgrade guide that covers only topics related to the Genero Desktop Client version specified in the page title. Check prior upgrade guides if you migrate from an earlier version. Make sure to also read about the new features for this version.


This version of Genero Desktop Client is desupported, use a more recent version of the product.

Corresponding new features page: GDC 3.20 new features.

Previous upgrade guide: GDC 3.10 upgrade guide

Image path

The ability to configure the default local image directory on the Preferences tab for the GDC monitor no longer exists, as images are no longer searched for locally.

Clear stored settings

It is strongly recommended that you clear stored settings when migrating to a new major release of GDC. You might otherwise encounter some side effects due to corrections or new functionality.

See Advanced configuration options for details on how to clear the stored settings.

Proxy configuration of shortcuts

Proxy configuration settings have been removed from the HTTP Connection shortcut wizard. All proxy configuration for shortcuts now follow the settings defined in the GDC monitor; see HTTP Proxy.

Proxy configuration scripts should be avoided, as they are not supported across all operating systems.

Presentation Styles

The lookAndFeel presentation style for a Window is no longer supported.

Accessing the web debugger

From GDC 3.20.13 onwards, you can access web debugger by pressing Alt-Shift and right-click.

GDC no longer supports the QTWEBENGINE_REMOTE_DEBUGGING environment variable or the --webengine-remote-debugging command line option.

See Debug web content for more details.

Storing of passwords no longer managed by shortcuts

The storing of passwords is no longer handled by the shortcuts. All options relating to storing passwords have been removed from the creation wizard; specifically, Keep password, Allow persistent save, Don't ask again, and Even after restart. See create a Direct Connection shortcut.

If you want to prevent the end user from saving the password on login, disable the password manager in the Security configuration options panel.

Changes in earlier versions

Make sure to check the upgrade notes of earlier versions, to not miss changes introduced in maintenance releases. For more details, see GDC 3.10 upgrade guide.