Connection configuration options
Use the Connection tab to configure HTTP proxy, HTTP retries, ping events, and tray notifications.
Changes are not applied until Apply is clicked. To discard changes, click Restore.
HTTP Proxy
- An HTTP shortcut.
- An HTTP image lookup (for a Direct Connection shortcut or a Local Execution shortcut).
Proxy configuration scripts should be avoided, as they are not supported across all operating systems.
HTTP Retries
In the HTTP Retries section, you configure how and when the GDC will resend the http request on socket or http error. If checked, the GDC will read the value from left to right, waiting the number of seconds entered between each separator before resending the failed request. This can be useful if your network is not too reliable and sometimes messages may be discarded before reaching GAS or returning to GDC.
For example, the default value "1;1;1;2;2;2;4;4;4" means "on Socket/Http error, wait 1s before retrying, then, if the request still fail, wait 1s more, then 1s more, then 2s between each retry for the next three attempts, and finally 4s between each retry for the final three attempts".
This feature increases the time required for the detection of invalid hosts or dead servers, since the initial request will be retried at least 9 times with a total of 21 seconds to wait.
Use the checkbox to temporarily disable this feature when creating a new shortcut, to quickly check the reachability of the server.
Ping event
The purpose of a ping event is to check whether the connection with the runtime system or the application server is still alive. To perform this check, GDC sends a "ping" signal over the network. By default, the signal is sent every two minutes. The interval can be changed in the Ping event section (for instance, to 300 seconds).
Enable or disable the display of tray notifications.