Project directory

Knowing the directory structure and content of the project directory helps you create your own customization of the Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS) Web client.

Before you can customize your GWC-JS Web client, you need to unzip the GWC-JS project zip file to a directory. A project directory (project_dir) is created. It serves as the GWC-JS project root directory. Amongst its directories and files you will find the following:
Table 1. Project Directory Structure
Directory Level 1 Directory Level 2 Directory Level 3 Directory Level 4
project_dir customization default  
  dist customization default

Child Directories

This topic discusses (only) three of the subdirectories of project_dir:
The customization directory is the root directory to your customization projects. You can have as many customization projects as you wish within this directory. Each customization project has its own customization project directory (custom_project_dir).
At installation, the customization directory contains two subdirectories.
  • The default directory is provided as the default customization.
  • The template directory provides a structure that you can copy to start a new customization project.
For details about the custom_project_dir, see Customization Project.
The src directory contains all the core source files that make up the default GWC-JS front-end, to include JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and locale files. Examine the source files to familiarize yourself with how the front-end is implement.
We recommend that you leave the core sources untouched.
The dist/customization directory contains generated deliverables for distribution.
  • A default directory is provided as the default customization.
  • A directory is created for each compiled customization project. The name of the directory is taken from the name of the customization project, resulting in dist/customization/custom_project_dir. See Customization deliverable.
Note: Make your custom GWC-JS alias/link in (FGLASDIR/web) point to your customization directory or you can configure the GWC_JS_LOOKUP_PATH element with the path to your project_dir/dist. See Apply customization to an application.