Apply customization to an application

You created a customization project that achieves a desired look-and-feel for the user interface. Set the GWC-JS configuration element to have the application use this customization.

Before you begin
  • You created a customization project. The project sits in a project directory project_dir.
  • You created a symbolic link in FGLASDIR/web to point to the directory project_dir/dist/web. See Configure your environment.

With a customization project in place, follow these steps to provide the necessary configuration information to the Genero Application Server.

  1. Using a text editor, create an application configuration file for your application. If you are using Genero Studio, select File > New > Web/AS > Application Configuration (.xcf).
    1. For the PATH element, provide an absolute path to the location of your compiled application files.
    2. For the MODULE element, specify the module required to launch your application.
    3. For the GWC-JS element, provide the name of the symbolic link to your project directory.
    In this example, gwc-dev is a symbolic link from $FGLASDIR/web to your project_dir/dist/web directory.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <APPLICATION Parent="defaultgwc" xmlns:xsi="" 
  2. Save the configuration file in the $(res.appdata.path)/app directory.
    Tip: Use the name of the module as the name of the application configuration file. For example, if the module is myapp.42m, save the application configuration file as myapp.xcf.
What to do next
View the application in your browser by starting the standalone dispatcher from the command line using httpdispatch and opening the application by entering the URL. In this example, the URL is looking for a configuration file named myapp.xcf:


If the application fails to load, see Troubleshooting customization configuration issues.