Customization deliverable

When you build a customization project, you create a Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS) deliverable. Knowing the contents of that deliverable can help you understand how to access the resources.

The compiled GWC-JS compilation project is generated in project_dir/dist/customization/custom_project_dir.

The home page is index.html.
Tip: To reference a resource, you can use a path relative to index.html.

The stylesheet (.scss) files are combined into a single file project_dir/dist/customization/custom_project_dir/css/main.css.

The template (.tpl.html) files are combined in a single file project_dir/dist/customization/custom_project_dir/js/compiledTemplates.js.

The JavaScript (.js) files are combined in a single file in project_dir/dist/customization/custom_project_dir/js/gbc.js.

The localized strings are combined in a single file in project_dir/dist/customization/custom_project_dir/js/compiledLocales.js.