Create a Genero Archive
A Genero Archive is a zip archive containing a MANIFEST file providing installation instructions and the list of application and services to make available.
Deploy an archive
When you deploy an archive on a Genero Application Server, the applications and services referenced in the archive are placed on the host, yet are not yet available to users.
Activate (enable) a deployed archive
A deployed archive is not implicitly activated. When you activate (enable) a deployed archive, the applications and services provided by the archive become available to users.
Deactivate (disable) a deployed archive
When you deactivate (disable) a deployed archive, the applications and services provided by the archive are not exposed (no longer available to users).
Undeploy a deployed archive
When you undeploy an archive, the archive is no longer deployed and cannot be reactivated.
Clean up undeployed archives
The deployment tool provides a cleanup command that physically removes undeployed archives. This process is executed on user request.
Upgrade an archive
You can upgrade an application without having to kill processes or wait for users to log out.