Deploy an archive

When you deploy an archive on a Genero Application Server, the applications and services referenced in the archive are placed on the host, yet are not yet available to users.

As a prerequisite, you have a Genero Archive file.

The archive will be unpacked in the deployment directory. Static resources are zipped for better performance at runtime.

gasadmin will deploy the .gar but the application deployed is named with the .xcf.

Enter the gasadmin command with the appropriate arguments.

To deploy an archive named fuzzy.gar:

gasadmin --deploy-archive fuzzy.gar
Important: If you start the dispatcher with the option (-E) to override the $(res.appdata.path) location, you must also override the resource when using the gasadmin command to deploy an archive.
For example, specify the same option with both commands:
  • Starting the dispatcher:

    httpdispatch -E res.appdata.path=/work/tmp/gas/appdata

  • Deploying the application:

    gasadmin -E res.appdata.path=/work/tmp/gas/appdata --deploy-archive myapp.gar

By default, the results are output in text format. When the console output uses the form of an XML document, it can be easier to parse by other applications than textual output. To output in XML, specify the --xml-output option:

gasadmin --deploy-archive fuzzy.gar --xml-output
The exit status is a 0 (zero) in case of success, 1 in case of error.
XML output example:
  <MESSAGE>Genero Archive successfully deployed.</MESSAGE>
  <ERROR>Failed to deploy the Genero Archive</ERROR>
  <ERROR>An archive with the same name is already deployed</ERROR>
Text output example:
Command succeeded.
Genero archive successfully deployed.
Command failed.
ERROR: Failed to deploy the Genero Archive
ERROR: An archive with the same name is already deployed.
All applications and services are deployed in the default group of the application server.