Deactivate (disable) a deployed archive

When you deactivate (disable) a deployed archive, the applications and services provided by the archive are not exposed (no longer available to users).

As a prerequisite, you have a deployed archive that has been enabled.
Disabling an archive means disabling all applications and services provided by the Genero Archive. The archive remains deployed. Any running applications or services are not stopped.
Tip: To disable a single application or service, remove its configuration file from the group directory. The original configuration files remain available in the deployed archive directory.
Enter the gasadmin command with the appropriate arguments.

To disable a Genero Archive named fuzzy.gar:

gasadmin --disable-archive fuzzy.gar

By default, the results are output in text format. When the console output uses the form of an XML document, it can be easier to parse by other applications than textual output. To output in XML, specify the --xml-output option:

gasadmin --disable-archive fuzzy.gar --xml-output
The exit status is a 0 (zero) in case of success, 1 in case of error.
XML output examples:
  <MESSAGE>Archive <archive-name> successfully undeployed</MESSAGE>
  <ERROR>Failed to undeploy <archive-name> archive.</ERROR>
  <ERROR>... and error messages indicating the reasons of the failure....</ERROR>