The Form object

Path: window/form

Snippet ID: Form

Corresponding AUI Tree element: Form

The Form is a unique sub-object of Window object that represent the form embed in this window if any.

This object value is rendered thru the Form snippet when invoked in a gwc:replace or gwc:content instruction.

Fields (Attributes) Type Description
CID Attribute (string) The corresponding component identifier.
type Attribute (string) Type name of the component, that is Form.
name Attribute (string) Form identifier.
text Attribute (string) Form title.
topmenu Object TopMenu of the Form.
toolbar Object Toolbar of the Form.
item Object A LayoutContainer object handling the layout of the form.
minHeight Attribute (number) Corresponds to the 4GL attribute MINHEIGHT.
minWidth Attribute (number) Corresponds to the 4GL attribute MINWIDTH.
spacing Attribute (string) Corresponds to the 4GL attribute SPACING.
version Attribute (string) Corresponds to the 4GL attribute VERSION.
button Object A Button object.
buttonedit Object A ButtonEdit object.
canvas Object A Canvas object.
checkbox Object A CheckBox object.
combobox Object A ComboBox object.
dateedit Object A DateEdit object.
edit Object An Edit object.
folder Object A Folder object.
formfield Object A FormField object.
grid Object A Grid object.
group Object A Group object.
hbox Object A HBox object.
vbox Object A HBox object.
image Object An Image object.
label Object A Label object.
progressbar Object A ProgressBar object.
radiogroup Object A RadioGroup object.
slider Object A Slider object.
spinedit Object A SpinEdit object.
staticlabel Object A StaticLabel object.
table Object A Table object.
textedit Object A TextEdit object.
timeedit Object A TimeEdit object.
toolbar Object A ToolBar object.
topmenu Object A TopMenu object.
webcomponent Object A WebComponent object.
screen Object A Screen object (traditional mode).
width Attribute (string) Width of the container.
ttybackgroundcolor Attribute (string) TTY background color.
ttycolor Attribute (string) TTY foreground color.
ttyfontfamily Attribute (string) TTY font family.


<div gwc:condition="application/ui/window/form &amp;&amp;
 !application/state/ended" >
  <div gwc:content="'form file name: '
   + application/ui/window/form/name" />

Displays the form file name.