The ScrollGrid object

Path: application/ui/window/form/scrollgrid[name] or relative paths according to sequences.

Snippet ID: ScrollGrid

Corresponding AUI Tree element: ScrollGrid

The ScrollGrid is a LayoutContainer.

This object value is rendered thru the ScrollGrid snippet when invoked in a gwc:replace or gwc:content instruction.

Fields (Attributes) Type Description
CID Attribute (string) The corresponding component identifier.
id Attribute (string) Object identifier.
type Attribute (string) Type name of the component, that is ScrollGrid.
name Attribute (string) ScrollGrid identifier.
hidden Attribute (number) Corresponds to the HIDDEN attribute in 4GL.
tag Attribute (string) Corresponds to the attribute TAG value.
style[ attribute-name ] Attribute (string) This selectable path will return the given attribute value inherited for this window.
decorationstyle[ attribute-name ] Collection of DecorationStyleItem objects This selectable path will return the given attribute value DecorationStyleItem object for this object. This object gives access to all pseudo-selector values for the given attribute.
decorationstyles Collection of DecorationStylesItem objects This path will return a DecorationStylesItem object for this window. This object gives access to all style attributes.
class Attribute (string) Corresponds to the attribute STYLE value.
fontPitch Attribute (string) Corresponds to the FONTPITCH attribute value in 4GL.
offset Attribute (number) ScrollGrid offset.
size Attribute (number) Size of the associated array.
pageSize Attribute (number) Number of rows displayed by the scrollGrid.
isScrollable Attribute (boolean) True if you can scroll in the array.
pages Collection of untyped object A collection of untyped object to be able to iterate on the ScrollGrid pages.
pages/length Attribute (number) Number of items in the collection.
layout Object A GridLayout object describing the layout for this given grid.
items Collection of untyped object A collection of untyped object to be able to iterate on the ScrollGrid items.
items/length Attribute (number) Number of items in the collection.
ttyfontfamily Attribute (string) Font family.