The Window object

Path: application/ui/window or application/ui/topMostNormalWindow or also relative paths according to sequences.

Snippet ID: Window

Corresponding AUI Tree element: Window

The Window is a sub-object of UserInterface object that represents one of the application window/frame.

This object value is rendered thru the Window snippet when invoked in a gwc:replace or gwc:content instruction.

Fields (Attributes) Type Description
CID Attribute (string) The corresponding component identifier.
isTopMostNormalWindow Attribute (boolean) True if the windows is on top of all windows.
type Attribute (string) Type name of the component, that is Window.
name Attribute (string) Window identifier.
message Attribute (string) Window message.
message/line Attribute (number) Line number where the message should be displayed (traditional mode).
message/style [id] Attribute (number) Access to the 4st styles.
message/text Attribute (string) Message text.
style[ attribute-name ] Attribute (string) This selectable path will return the given attribute value inherited for this window.
decorationstyle[ attribute-name ] Collection of DecorationStyleItem objects This selectable path will return the given attribute value DecorationStyleItem object for this object. This object gives access to all pseudo-selector values for the given attribute.
decorationstyles Collection of DecorationStylesItem objects This path will return a DecorationStylesItem object for this window. This object gives access to all style attributes.
text Attribute (string) Window title
localActions Collection of LocalAction Objects A collection of local actions.
localActions/length Attribute (number) Number of items in the collection.
class Attribute (string) Corresponds to attribute STYLE value.
menu Object A Menu object handling the menu of the application, if any. Note that dialog and menu are mutually exclusive.
dialog Object A Dialog object handling the dialog description of the application, if any. Note that dialog and menu are mutually exclusive.
form Object A Form object handling the layout description of the application.
border Attribute (number) Border width (traditional mode).
commentline Attribute (number) Line number on which the comment should be displayed (traditional mode).
commenttext Attribute (string) Text of the comment.
formline Attribute (number) Line number where the form should be displayed (traditional mode).
menuline Attribute (number) Line number where the menu should be displayed (traditional mode).
posx Attribute (number) X position of the window.
posy Attribute (number) Y position of the window.
ttybackgroundcolor Attribute (string) TTY background color.
ttycolor Attribute (string) TTY foreground color.
ttyfontfamily Attribute (string) TTY font family.
width Attribute (number) Width of the container.