The Dialog object

Path: window/dialog

Snippet ID: Dialog

Corresponding AUI Tree element: Dialog

The Dialog is a unique sub-object of Window object that represent this window interaction. This object will only exist if the current window is handling another statements than MENU.

This object value is rendered thru the Dialog snippet when invoked in a gwc:replace or gwc:content instruction.

Fields (Attributes) Type Description
CID Attribute (string) The corresponding component identifier.
type Attribute (string) Type name of the component, that is Dialog.
idle Object A Idle object when the ON IDLE instruction is used.
style[ attribute-name ] Attribute (string) This selectable path will return the given attribute value inherited for this window.
decorationstyle[ attribute-name ] Collection of DecorationStyleItem objects This selectable path will return the given attribute value DecorationStyleItem object for this object. This object gives access to all pseudo-selector values for the given attribute.
decorationstyles Collection of DecorationStylesItem objects This path will return a DecorationStylesItem object for this window. This object gives access to all style attributes.
standAloneMatrixDetected Attribute (boolean) True if the dialog contains a matrix and is in interactive mode (display array or input array).
pageSize Attribute (number) Number of rows displayed by the matrix.
size Attribute (number) Number of rows in the matrix.
currentRow Attribute (number) The matrix current row.
offset Attribute (string) The matrix offset.
actions Collection of Action objects The list of all actions available. Used in a repeat instruction to loop on each action in the list.
action[ action-name ] Object the Action named action-name
actions/length Attribute (number) Number of items in the collection.
visibleActions Collection of Action objects The list of actions available that do not have an explicit Action View (as TopMenu commands or Buttons, for instance). This is a sub-list of the actions list. Used in a repeat instruction to loop on each action in the list.
visibleActions/length Attribute (number) Number of items in the collection.


<div gwc:condition="application/ui/window/dialog/size" 
 gwc:content="'number of rows in the matrix: '
 + application/ui/window/dialog/size" />
<div gwc:condition="application/ui/window/dialog/pageSize" 
 gwc:content="'number of rows displayed: '
 + application/ui/window/dialog/pageSize" />
<div gwc:condition="application/ui/window/dialog/currentRow" 
 gwc:content="'current row: '
 + application/ui/window/dialog/currentRow" />
<div gwc:condition="application/ui/window/dialog/offset" 
 gwc:content="'offset: ' + application/ui/window/dialog/offset" />

Result on the standard Lists demo:

number of rows in the matrix: 39
number of rows displayed: 36
current row: 8
offset: 1