The Table object

Path: application/ui/window/form/table[name] or relative paths according to sequences.

Snippet ID: Table

Corresponding AUI Tree element: Table

The Table is a LayoutContainer.

This object value is rendered thru the Table snippet when invoked in a gwc:replace or gwc:content instruction.

Fields (Attributes) Type Description
CID Attribute (string) The corresponding component identifier.
type Attribute (string) Type name of the component, that is Table.
id Attribute (string) Table identifier.
name Attribute (string) Table name.
comment Attribute (string) Correspond to the COMMENT attribute in 4GL.
height Attribute (number) Value of the HEIGHT attribute in 4GL.
heightunit Attribute (string) Unit of the HEIGHT attribute in 4GL.
width Attribute (number) Value of the WIDTH attribute in 4GL.
widthunit Attribute (string) Unit of the WIDTH attribute in 4GL.
columnswidthsum Attribute (number) Sum of the table's columns widths.
hidden Attribute (string) Correspond to the HIDDEN attribute in 4GL.
wantFixedPageSize Attribute (boolean) Correspond to the WANTFIXEDPAGESIZE attribute in 4GL.
offset Attribute (number) Table offset.
scrollOffsetXDID Attribute (string) Offset of the Table in exclusive format. See the function makeScrollOffsetIDID to use the inclusive format.



where control-name is scrollOffsetXDID and control-value is an offset value.


 gwc:attributes="name pageSizeXDID;
 value '50'"
 ... />


 ... />
pageSize Attribute (number) Number of rows displayed by the Table.
pageSizeXDID Attribute (string) Number of rows displayed by the Table in exclusive format. See the function makePageSizeIDID to use the inclusive format.



where control-name is pageSizeXDID and control-value is a size value.


 gwc:attributes="name pageSizeXDID;
 value '50'"
 ... />


 ... />
size Attribute (number) Number of rows in the underlying array.
tabindex Attribute (number) Corresponds to the tab order of the form.
hasfocus Attribute (boolean) TRUE if the table has the focus.
isHidable Attribute (boolean) True if the columns of the table can be hidden.
isMovable Attribute (boolean) True if the columns of the table can be moved.
isModifiable Attribute (boolean) True if you can type in the table (for example in an input).
isSelectable Attribute (boolean) True if you can select a row of the Table (for example in a display)
isScrollable Attribute (boolean) True if you can scroll the Table rows (for example in a input).
isSortable Attribute (boolean) True if the attribute UNSORTABLECOLUMNS is set to false.
isSizable Attribute (boolean) True if the columns of the table can be resized.
sortType Attribute (string) Value is "asc" if the sorting is ascendant. Value is "desc" if the sorting is descendant.
currentRow Attribute (number) Absolute index of the selected line.
currentColumn Attribute (number) Index of the current column.
style[ attribute-name ] Attribute (string) This selectable path will return the given attribute value inherited for this window.
decorationstyle[ attribute-name ] Collection of DecorationStyleItem objects This selectable path will return the given attribute value DecorationStyleItem object for this object. This object gives access to all pseudo-selector values for the given attribute.
decorationstyles Collection of DecorationStylesItem objects This path will return a DecorationStylesItem object for this window. This object gives access to all style attributes.
class Attribute (string) Corresponds to the STYLE attribute value.
fontPitch Attribute (string) Corresponds to the FONTPITCH attribute value in 4GL.
multirowSelection Attribute (boolean)  
columns Collection of Table Column objects A list of the columns in this table.
columns/length Attribute (number) Number of items in the collection.
rows Collection of Table Row objects A list of the rows in this table.
rows/length Attribute (number) Number of items in the collection.
extendedrows Collection of Table Row objects A list of the rows in this table containing one more row than the defined PAGESIZE.
extendedrows/length Attribute (number) Number of items in the collection.
treeitem Object TreeItem element.
treeitem/ cid Attribute (string) TreeItem component id.
treeitem/ collapseidid Attribute (string) Action instruction to collapse the TreeItem.
treetitem/ depth Attribute (integer) TreeItem depth.
treeitem/ expandidid Attribute (string) Action instruction to expand the TreeItem.
treeitem/ haschildren Attribute (boolean) True if the TreeItem has children.
treeitem/ image Attribute (string) TreeItem image.
treeitem/ isexpanded Attribute (boolean) True if the TreeItem is expanded.
treeitem/ text Attribute (string) TreeItem text.
treeitem/ type Attribute (string) Type name of the component, that is TreeItem.
treeitem/ comment Attribute (string) Value of the COMMENT attribute in 4GL.
hasaggregate Attribute (boolean) True if at least one of the columns of this table has an aggregate value
action Object A TableAction object describing the action associated with the double-click user action for this table.
storedsettings-key Attribute (string) Key to use to identify the current table in the stored settings.

One word, no spaces, no hyphen. Hyphen added for printing of documentation.

Attribute (string) Opaque value used by the GWC engine to check the validity of the stored settings during the application startup.
ttyfontfamily Attribute (string) Font family.
sortedcolumns Attribute (sequence) Columns sorted in their visual order.
sortedcolumns/ length Attribute (number) Length of the sequence.