The Table Column object

Path: relative paths according to sequences.

Corresponding AUI Tree element: TableColumn

The TableColumn is a sub-object from the Table describing one column header.

Fields (Attributes) Type Description
DID Deprecated ! Attribute (String) Dialog identifier.

This path is deprecated use IDID or XDID instead.

IDID Attribute (string) Dialog identifier in inclusive format.

For example:

 gwc:attributes="name c/IDID"
 ... />

where c is the column object


 ... />
XDID Attribute (string) Dialog identifier in exclusive format.

For example:

 gwc:attributes="name c/XDID;
 value c/ID"
 ... />

where c is the column object


 ... />
columnSortXDID Attribute (string) Dialog identifier in exclusive format. See also function makeTableNoSortValue.
text Attribute (string) Column title.
name Attribute (string) Column identifier.
height Attribute (number) Corresponds to the column height in 4GL.
width Attribute (number) Corresponds to the column width in 4GL.
heightunit Attribute (string) Unit of the HEIGHT attribute in 4GL.
widthunit Attribute (string) Unit of the WIDTH attribute in 4GL.
tabindex Attribute (string) Corresponds to the tab order of the form.
isHidable Attribute (boolean) True if the column can be hidden.
isModifiable Attribute (boolean) True if the columns is in input mode.
isMovable Attribute (boolean) True if the column cab be moved.
isSortable Attribute (boolean) True is the attribute UNSORTABLE is set to false.
isSorted Attribute (boolean) True if the column is already sorted.
isSizable Attribute (boolean) True is the column can be resized.
hidden Attribute (number) Corresponds to the HIDDEN attribute in 4GL.
tag Attribute (string) Corresponds to the TAG attribute value.
item Object A Widget object describing the widget filling the cells of this table column.
cells Collection of Table Cell objects A list of the cells in this table column.
cells/length Attribute (number) Number of items in the collection.
aggregatetext Attribute (string) Value of the AGGREGATETEXT attribute in 4GL, or if no the current column is the first one with an aggregate value an has no text, the aggregate text defined on the table
aggregatecolumnspan Attribute (number) Number of columns to span
aggregatevalue Attribute (string) Value of the aggregate corresponding to the current column
isQuery Attribute (boolean) Corresponds to the QUERYEDITABLE in 4GL.
auiindex Attribute (number) Column index in the AUI tree.