GWC Template Language Reference / Template Paths - Layout hierarchies |
Path: grid/layout or scrollgrid/layout
Snippet ID: GridLayout
The GridLayout is a sub-object of Grid or ScrollGrid describing the grid layout.
This object value is rendered thru the GridLayout snippet when invoked in a gwc:replace or gwc:content instruction.
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
CID | Attribute (string) | The corresponding component identifier. |
type | Attribute (string) | Type name of the component, that is GridLayout. |
GID | Attribute (string) | GridLayout identifier. |
data | Attribute (string) | Data to handle the layout design for JavaScriptâ„¢. |
width | Attribute (number) | GridLayout width. |
height | Attribute (number) | GridLayout height. |
marginLeft | Attribute (number) | Width of the smallest empty cell on the left hand side of the grid. If one line of the grid begins with a occupied cell, the margin is 0. |
marginRight | Attribute (number) | Width of the smallest empty cell on the right hand side of the grid. If one line of the grid ends with a occupied cell, the margin is 0. |
lines | Collection of GridLayoutLine objects | A collection of grid lines. |
lines/length | Attribute (number) | Number of items in the collection. |
tableLines | Collection of GridLayoutTableLine objects | A collection of grid table lines. Enable the layout of a grid content to be fully based on a HTML table. Compared to the lines collection, the rowspan attribute of a TD element can be directly mapped to the cell's height attribute. |
tableLines/length | Attribute (number) | Number of items in the collection. |