HBOX item type

Defines a layout area to render child elements in horizontal direction.

HBOX item basics

The HBOX container automatically packs the contained elements horizontally from left to right.


Do not confuse the HBOX form item with the concept of Hbox tag, which is similar purpose but only for form item tags like labels and form fields.

Contained elements are packed in the order in which they appear in the LAYOUT section of the form file.

No decoration (border) is added when you use an HBOX container.

By combining VBOX and HBOX containers, you can define any alignment you choose.

Defining an HBOX

An HBOX is defined in a LAYOUT tree, as an HBOX container for other form items. It can for example be combined with a VBOX container, to pack form elements to be displayed in vertical and horizontal directions:


HBOX and VBOX containers can be combined to implement responsive layout, by using the ORIENTATION@screen-size attribute.

When the HBOX or VBOX has an horizontal orientation, it can be rendered as a splitview by setting the SPLIT@screen-size attribute.

HBOX and VBOX with horizontal orientation and SPLIT attribute can be decorated with nativation arrows and/or navigation dots. These can respectively be controlled with the navigationArrows and navigationDots style attributes.

By default, when there is no stretchable child element such as a TABLE, space is inserted between any two elements. If needed, you can set the packed style attribute to "yes", in order to pack the elements to the left or top of the box container, depending on the orientation. For a vertical box, elements are packed to the top. For an horizontal box, elements are packed to the left.

Front-ends support different presentation and behavior options, which can be controlled by a STYLE attribute. For more details, see Style attributes common to all elements, HBox style attributes and VBox style attributes.