Form item types The form item types defines the purpose of form elements. BUTTON item typeDefines a push-button that can trigger an action.BUTTONEDIT item typeDefines a line-edit with a push-button that can trigger an action.CHECKBOX item typeDefines a boolean or three-state checkbox field.COMBOBOX item typeDefines a line-edit with a drop-down list of values.DATEEDIT item typeDefines a line-edit with a calendar widget to pick a date.DATETIMEEDIT item typeDefines a line-edit with a calendar widget to pick a datetime.EDIT item typeDefines a simple line-edit field.FOLDER item typeDefines a layout area to hold folder pages.GRID item typeDefines a layout area based on a grid of cells.GROUP item typeDefines a layout area to group other layout elements together.HBOX item typeDefines a layout area to render child elements in horizontal direction.IMAGE item typeDefines an area that can display an image resource.LABEL item typeDefines a simple text area to display a read-only value.PAGE item typeDefines the content of a folder page.PROGRESSBAR item typeDefines a progress indicator field.RADIOGROUP item typeDefines a mutual exclusive set of options field.SCROLLGRID item typeDefines a scrollable grid view widget.SLIDER item typeDefines a slider form item.SPINEDIT item typeDefines a spin box widget to enter integer values.TABLE item typeDefines a list view widget.TEXTEDIT item typeDefines a multi-line edit field.TIMEEDIT item typeDefines a line-edit field with a clock widget to pick a time.TREE item typeDefines a tree view widget.VBOX item typeDefines a layout area to render child elements in vertical direction.WEBCOMPONENT item typeDefines a specialized form item that holds an external component.