Importing FGL modules FGL modules can be organized by using the IMPORT FGL and PACKAGE instructions. IMPORT FGLThe IMPORT FGL instruction imports module symbols.PACKAGEDefines the package the module belongs to.Building projects with IMPORT FGLUse IMPORT FGL instead of linking.Organizing modules in packagesModules to be imported can be grouped in packages.Auto-compilation of imported modulesImported local and package modules are compiled automatically if needed.Circular module referencesCircular references between imported modules are allowed.Identifying modules to be importedUse the --print-missing-imports and --print-imports options to identify missing IMPORT FGL instructions.Scope of module symbols (PRIVATE/PUBLIC)The PRIVATE/PUBLIC modifiers can be used to hide / publish symbols to other modules.Using [package.]module prefixResolve symbol name conflicts with module prefix.Defining aliases for imported modulesUse aliases when package path or module names are too long.Mixing IMPORT FGL and .42r linkingTraditional linking is still supported for backward compatibility, and canbe mixed with IMPORT FGL method.Related conceptsProgram execution