Advanced features These topics cover advanced features of the Genero Business Development Language Program structureExplains the organization of a BDL program.Database schemaDefines database table structures with column type information to be reused in program variable definitions.Importing modulesUse the IMPORT ... instruction to import BDL, C or Java external modules in the current module.Program executionThis section describes program execution and language instructions related to program execution.Runtime stackThe runtime stack is used to pass/return values to/from functions.ExceptionsDescribes exception (error) handling in the programs.LocalizationLocalization support allows you to implement programs that follow specific language and cultural rules.GlobalsGlobal variables can be shared among all modules of a program.Configuration optionsCompiler and runtime system can be controlled with several configuration settings.Program registersPredefined global registers can be used in programs to detect errors, signals and events.OOP supportDescribes Object Oriented Programming basics in the language.XML supportIntroduces to DOM and SAX standards and describes the XML utility classes built-in the language.JSON supportGenero BDL supports JSON data manipulation.Front callsFront call functions execute on the platform where the front-end is installed.OptimizationProgramming tips and tricks to make your programs run faster.ReflectionThis section gives a brief description of the Genero BDL reflection API.