
Sends an SMS text to one or more phone numbers.


ui.Interface.frontCall("mobile", "composeSMS",
  [ recipients, content ],
  [ result ] )
  • recipients - A list of phone numbers, separated by commas. While the list uses commas to separate the phone numbers in the list, the list itself is enclosed in a single set of quotes.
  • content - The SMS message.
  • result - Holds a status message.


The "composeSMS" front call opens the default messaging app with the information provided as parameters, to let the end user send an SMS text to one or more phone numbers.

On a macOS desktop, the composeSMS front call will open the "Messages" app.

Consider using global phone numbers with a + plus sign, as described in [RFC3966].

The returned result string can take one of the following values:
  • "ok": The SMS app could be started.
  • "failed": The SMS could not be started.

Error -6333 is raised, if there is no permission to compose an SMS on the mobile phone.


CALL ui.Interface.frontCall("mobile", "composeSMS",
     ["+332781211,+339956789", "This is the SMS text"],