Select the SAML server (Identity Provider)

Follow these steps to specify the SAML server a Genero application must use as its Identity Provider (IdP).

Before you begin, determine the EntityID name for the IdP server you wish to specify. Use the ImportIdP command with the --list option to identify the EntityID name.
fglrun ImportIdP --list

Complete this procedure to specify which SAML server a Genero application must use as its Identity Provider (IdP).

If the IDP element is not set in the DELEGATE element of the application configuration file, the GAS/JGAS will retrieve the unique registered IdP. It will raise an error if more than one IdP is registered.

The application configuration is slightly different for GAS and JGAS, choose the appropriate step.

  1. In the GAS application configuration (xcf) file, add an IDP element as a child of the SAML DELEGATE element. Enter the EntityID name in the IDP tag.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <APPLICATION Parent="defaultgwc"
        <DELEGATE service="services/SAMLServiceProvider">
  2. In the JGAS application configuration (xcf) file, add an IDP element as a child of the SAML DELEGATE element. Enter the EntityID name in the IDP tag.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <APPLICATION Parent="defaultgwc">
        <DELEGATE service="SAMLServiceProvider">

The GAS/JGAS uses the specified IdP as its Single sign-on (SSO) identity provider.